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magic batteries


Aug 31, 2021
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"The third eye opens as the result of conscious development, right alignment and the inflow of soul life. Then its magnetic controlling force makes itself felt, controlling the lives of the lower bodies, driving forth the lower four elementals (of earth, water, fire, air) and forcing the lunar lords to abdicate. The personality, which has hitherto been the master, no longer can control, and the soul comes into full domination in the three worlds.
The elemental of earth, who is the sum total of the many lives which form the physical body, is controlled and feels the eye of the Master (the one Master in the head) upon it. The gross elements constituting that body are "driven forth" and better and more adequate atoms or lives are built in.
The elemental of the astral or body of water undergoes a similar activity plus a stabilising effect which brings to an end the restlessness and fluidic tempestuousness which have hitherto characterised it."

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Sep 13, 2021
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"The third eye opens as the result of conscious development, right alignment and the inflow of soul life. Then its magnetic controlling force makes itself felt, controlling the lives of the lower bodies, driving forth the lower four elementals (of earth, water, fire, air) and forcing the lunar lords to abdicate. The personality, which has hitherto been the master, no longer can control, and the soul comes into full domination in the three worlds.
The elemental of earth, who is the sum total of the many lives which form the physical body, is controlled and feels the eye of the Master (the one Master in the head) upon it. The gross elements constituting that body are "driven forth" and better and more adequate atoms or lives are built in.
The elemental of the astral or body of water undergoes a similar activity plus a stabilising effect which brings to an end the restlessness and fluidic tempestuousness which have hitherto characterised it."

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there’s a lot of information there. Thank you for that. A bit different than I was imagining it, but I’m going to try to find that section and read more


Aug 31, 2021
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One of the earliest tasks of a human is to learn to control the internal elementals. This allows moving food to the mouth


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Method 1 sounds pretty interesting to me.


Oct 6, 2021
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Thanks for the post! The second and third methods make sense to me; however, the first, once the sigil is charged, do you remove it from the tree or leave it there? How does that part work?


Oct 4, 2021
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From my experience: here are two types of Magic Batteries that I have observed being used by two different sorcerers:

Generations of relatives have passed down knowledgeable/working information to this sorcerer that lives on the edge of a swamp. He is able to produce energy through the use of formulas containing yeast and other tiny rapidly multiplying life forms. Given enough time his cauldrons of quick growing life forms are able to be tapped and used as magic batteries to empower this sorcerers various magical workings.

This sorcerer has access to a generations worth of balanced crystals that are packed into a room, within a house built on the edge of a cemetery. After charging he uses these crystals as a magic battery and is able to manifest a avatar (sometimes called a shadow or hat man).


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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From my experience: here are two types of Magic Batteries that I have observed being used by two different sorcerers:

Generations of relatives have passed down knowledgeable/working information to this sorcerer that lives on the edge of a swamp. He is able to produce energy through the use of formulas containing yeast and other tiny rapidly multiplying life forms. Given enough time his cauldrons of quick growing life forms are able to be tapped and used as magic batteries to empower this sorcerers various magical workings.

This sorcerer has access to a generations worth of balanced crystals that are packed into a room, within a house built on the edge of a cemetery. After charging he uses these crystals as a magic battery and is able to manifest a avatar (sometimes called a shadow or hat man).
That is interesting as shit. What part of the world/culture is this person supposedly from, do you know?

You wouldn't think something unassuming like yeast has any power to draw from, but I suppose however many millions of them would do the job. Probably easier than taking energy from a human, too.

That makes me wonder something, though. When I gather energy from inanimate matter around me, are the microbes on and inside said matter also affected? That'd be something fascinating to run experiments for, using a microscope to check.


Oct 4, 2021
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That is interesting as shit. What part of the world/culture is this person supposedly from, do you know?

You wouldn't think something unassuming like yeast has any power to draw from, but I suppose however many millions of them would do the job. Probably easier than taking energy from a human, too.

That makes me wonder something, though. When I gather energy from inanimate matter around me, are the microbes on and inside said matter also affected? That'd be something fascinating to run experiments for, using a microscope to check.
In this case the first sorcerer lives in Utah, I owed him a debt so I studied some of his techniques before I interacted with him.
In the second example the sorcerer owed me a debt. I also studied some of his techniques. The second sorcerer lives in new Zealand. He is also a public figure, and I don't have permission to give out his name ether.
In the example of the yeast in my experience: even a small but constant energy build up can have effect
example: of what I observed concerning yeast techniques, (yeas with special additives (unknown) placed in a continually used magic place, a posted sigil that holds energy and slowly grows until its size can automatically attract similar ambient energies along with several other (home grown enhancements), can over time produce a decent magic battery).
My intention in this post was to demonstrate how magic batteries can be built up over time (generations).
Testing how techniques work is always good. :)


Oct 17, 2021
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That is interesting as shit. What part of the world/culture is this person supposedly from, do you know?

You wouldn't think something unassuming like yeast has any power to draw from, but I suppose however many millions of them would do the job. Probably easier than taking energy from a human, too.

That makes me wonder something, though. When I gather energy from inanimate matter around me, are the microbes on and inside said matter also affected? That'd be something fascinating to run experiments for, using a microscope to check.
In this case the first sorcerer lives in Utah, I owed him a debt so I studied some of his techniques before I interacted with him.
In the second example the sorcerer owed me a debt. I also studied some of his techniques. The second sorcerer lives in new Zealand. He is also a public figure, and I don't have permission to give out his name ether.
In the example of the yeast in my experience: even a small but constant energy build up can have effect
example: of what I observed concerning yeast techniques, (yeas with special additives (unknown) placed in a continually used magic place, a posted sigil that holds energy and slowly grows until its size can automatically attract similar ambient energies along with several other (home grown enhancements), can over time produce a decent magic battery).
My intention in this post was to demonstrate how magic batteries can be built up over time (generations).
Testing how techniques work is always good. :)
Very insightful and powerful words! That makes a lot of sense deep stuff 👏🏻☺️


Oct 17, 2021
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From my experience: here are two types of Magic Batteries that I have observed being used by two different sorcerers:

Generations of relatives have passed down knowledgeable/working information to this sorcerer that lives on the edge of a swamp. He is able to produce energy through the use of formulas containing yeast and other tiny rapidly multiplying life forms. Given enough time his cauldrons of quick growing life forms are able to be tapped and used as magic batteries to empower this sorcerers various magical workings.

This sorcerer has access to a generations worth of balanced crystals that are packed into a room, within a house built on the edge of a cemetery. After charging he uses these crystals as a magic battery and is able to manifest a avatar (sometimes called a shadow or hat man).


Dec 30, 2021
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Here are 3 ways you can potentially charge sigils with energies.

The first goes like this:
Get a small zip lock bag.
Put in it the desired sigil on paper.
Also add a bit of your head hair if you want it to be more linked with yourself.
Drive a nail into a tree, with the sigil and bag being nailed to the tree.
The nail should penetrate the center of the sigil.
This links the sigil to the life force of the tree.
You can make many of these and place them around general areas.
Hopefully you live near a forest.
Anyway, this is a method for using sigils as magic batteries.

Get a large jar and fill it with sugar and rust.
Layer the sugar and rust by pouring a bit in then the other.
These two materials have a good magical charge.
Place the jar on top of a sigil to help charge it.

You can also place sigils on magnets.
High intensity magnets you can buy online.
Use batteries to power wards I presume also. Great idea I like this.
Sep 9, 2021
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Here are 3 ways you can potentially charge sigils with energies.

The first goes like this:
Get a small zip lock bag.
Put in it the desired sigil on paper.
Also add a bit of your head hair if you want it to be more linked with yourself.
Drive a nail into a tree, with the sigil and bag being nailed to the tree.
The nail should penetrate the center of the sigil.
This links the sigil to the life force of the tree.
You can make many of these and place them around general areas.
Hopefully you live near a forest.
Anyway, this is a method for using sigils as magic batteries.

Get a large jar and fill it with sugar and rust.
Layer the sugar and rust by pouring a bit in then the other.
These two materials have a good magical charge.
Place the jar on top of a sigil to help charge it.

You can also place sigils on magnets.
High intensity magnets you can buy online.
Very cool, will try all methods, namely #2 to start with, then 3, then 1.
I do recall in the Golden Dawn type books, the Fire Wand may have a vertical galvanized rod that is hooked up to a power station to eventually some sort of battery. This in turn provides it with electricity. I forget which gender is which, but men and women are electric and or magnetic.
If only magnetic, this introduces more power via electricity. If electric, it heightens it, if a hybrid, both introduction and heightened power.
If I understand it correctly.

Uriel Wolfheart

May 30, 2022
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Here are 3 ways you can potentially charge sigils with energies.

The first goes like this:
Get a small zip lock bag.
Put in it the desired sigil on paper.
Also add a bit of your head hair if you want it to be more linked with yourself.
Drive a nail into a tree, with the sigil and bag being nailed to the tree.
The nail should penetrate the center of the sigil.
This links the sigil to the life force of the tree.
You can make many of these and place them around general areas.
Hopefully you live near a forest.
Anyway, this is a method for using sigils as magic batteries.

Get a large jar and fill it with sugar and rust.
Layer the sugar and rust by pouring a bit in then the other.
These two materials have a good magical charge.
Place the jar on top of a sigil to help charge it.

You can also place sigils on magnets.
High intensity magnets you can buy online.
Perhaps a good idea to ask permission before putting nails in trees. The trees might be annoyed.