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Method for cleansing a Tarot deck + bonus: cleanse your hands after working with Tarot


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Courtesy of Josephine McCarthy:

Cleanse a Tarot Deck:
Keeping a deck clean is simple but necessary and should be done regularly if you use your deck a lot. You will need a plastic
Tupperware-type long container and a large bag of salt. To clean the deck, just put all the cards in the container and pour the salt over
them until they are covered. Then move them around so that the salt gets in between the cards, and when you are sure that they are well
covered, put the container with the cards in a safe place overnight. The following morning, take them out of the salt and give them a
good shake to get the salt residue off. Spread them out on a cloth to air for an hour. After that, they should be ready for use again.
To smudge your cards, have some frankincense or a similar resin burning on charcoal and hold the cards over them, moving the cards
around to ensure that all of the cards are touched by the smoke. Then ‘wash’ your hands in the smoke. If you use a cloth to wrap the
cards in, then ensure that you wash the cloth regularly and that some salt is in the washing water. I also dab frankincense essential oil on
the cloth that I wrap my deck in, and that keeps them nicely clean. There is no ceremony to cleaning cards: it is just regular
maintenance. Some books will tell you that there are many complex ritual ways to clear cards with invocations, etc. Just remember that
drama sells books more than reality and common sense.

Cleanse your Hands:
The first rule for keeping yourself clean after a reading is to wash your hands with salt and soap as soon as you have finished. Do not do, or touch, anything else until you have cleaned your hands. If the reading session was particularly hard or the subject matter was very unhealthy, then also rub some salt over your ‘third eye’ area, then wash your face. If you were doing a series of readings on powerful magical subject like demonic issues, or difficult readings like around a suicide, then not only must you clean your hands and forehead, but you must also clean your whole body. You will need to take a consecrated salt bath to clear off any residue and any connections to
beings that may have latched onto you.