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Mixing Different Practices


Oct 13, 2022
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I got this book two years ago and I really want to use this cabalistic diagram. The author says that it must be drawn on a wall of a chapel or special reserved only for voodoo worship or rituals, just to give more details, its names of the loa written in crosses.

Is that true because I'm pretty sure I've heard other practitioners mixing different practices with voodoo. I just want a second opinion.
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Sorry, I should have posted this in Religion, Spirituality and Mediation instead. If I'm correct and one of the Mods please correct my mistake, thank you.
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Aug 17, 2023
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I got this book two years ago and I really want to use this cabalistic diagram. The author says that it must be drawn on a wall of a chapel or special reserved only for voodoo worship or rituals, just to give more details, its names of the loa written in crosses.

Is that true because I'm pretty sure I've heard other practitioners mixing different practices with voodoo. I just want a second opinion.
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Sorry, I should have posted this in Religion, Spirituality and Mediation instead. If I'm correct and one of the Mods please correct my mistake, thank you.
There are a lot of factors that might come into play here.

First question, though, is why you want to use it? My whole life I've had the experience of having gotten a car, an apartment, a gun, a girl then shortly thereafter seeing one so much 'better." My rule anymore is minimalist mania. Unless a working needs a given symbol or diagram, I don't use it. It's easy to go from ritual mage to flea market stall-keeper. (Remember the hospital manager in Python's Meaning of Life? "Oh, we so need one of those little machines that go 'ping'!" That's the ethos I'm speaking against here.)


Oct 13, 2022
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If you have an occult question, this is the place.
But rather than a question it seems that you seek only an opinion from others.

Understood, thank you.
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There are a lot of factors that might come into play here.

First question, though, is why you want to use it? My whole life I've had the experience of having gotten a car, an apartment, a gun, a girl then shortly thereafter seeing one so much 'better." My rule anymore is minimalist mania. Unless a working needs a given symbol or diagram, I don't use it. It's easy to go from ritual mage to flea market stall-keeper. (Remember the hospital manager in Python's Meaning of Life? "Oh, we so need one of those little machines that go 'ping'!" That's the ethos I'm speaking against here.)
I feel drawn to Voodoo, and I feel that it will help improve life situations. I see your point though and there's probably other things I should focus on instead of just jumping on to different train. Apparently Voodoo is something that you can't self initiate so it kind of kills the point of this thread, then again I have read that's propaganda and anyone can learn Voodoo as long as you respect it and take caution while practicing Voodoo.
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Cabalistic voodoo diagram? Doesn’t that already answer your question?
I literally have no idea, I don't know if its like the Jewish mysticism cabalistic/kabbalistic tree of life or its something completely different, the book doesn't explain itself enough for me to self research.
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Apr 10, 2023
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I literally have no idea, I don't know if its like the Jewish mysticism cabalistic/kabbalistic tree of life or its something completely different, the book doesn't explain itself enough for me to self research.

I don't know much about voodoo but I've yet to come across a religion that is immune to syncretism. I know that, thanks to Pennsylvania Dutch publishers, various German grimoires like The Long Lost Friend and The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses were made available in English editions which then became very popular among African magicians in the southern US and the Caribbean. Jamaica still has
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I don't know to what extent this might have impacted Louisiana Voodoo, or if Haitians accessed similar materials in French.

If you're interested in an unfamiliar practice, learn as much as you can about its history, from various perspectives- practitioners, scholars, etc. We live in a time where an unprecedented amount of knowledge is easily available, often for free, for those who are willing to look- IMO a much more fruitful project than asking random strangers.

As for initiation/ self-initiation, I would highly doubt things are clear-cut- at least, from what I've seen in Christianity, Daoism, Buddhism, and other traditions where claims to an unbroken succession can provide a compelling group myth, but don't hold up to scrutiny if taken literally.


Oct 29, 2023
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The way for the locals to perserve their culture versus da white man was to morph in with catholic
iconography thus making a voodoo/christianity thing and it melds together rather well despite that they seem so different.
i have seen other things mixed in with it, but above all else i mind the loa relationship - "we" practice control to the extreme
"they" just let the loa checks papers, narrows eyes mount Them right from the start.
My point being, yes it's a bizarre mix but it works. If the question is do you follow the instructions strictly? i'd say yeah
hope you don't keep going with this one but either way good luck