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Pathworking vs Soul Travel .. or both?

Sep 9, 2021
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Hi all, Ave.

I have before me my Thoth and Rider Waite decks, and two books ... "The Mystical Qabalah" by Dion Fortune, and "ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel" by Harold Kemp.

My intention is to pathwork Gimel (the tree of life path from Kether to Tiphareth).

The basic idea or process for Pathworking is new to me per Fortunes process.
Usually I use the 54 bead rosary chanting silently or aloud the two godnames between the path, in this case, Ehieh and YHVH Eloah Ve-Daath.
Then I picture the key after gazing on it like a sigil, as the Major Arcana (and Minors and Courts) are sigils.
The idea is to project the letter, in this case, Gimel, and project into the key card image.

It disturbs me that this is the magical image of the camel crossing the Abyss.

What if the soul doesn't return?

In the book on Soul Travel there is an imaginative exercise to soul travel.

Relatively the same as gazing at and projecting into the card key.

Thoughts or suggestions?

Care, Diluculo.
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Going to go with the rosary method with visualization. Not going to go with projection at this time.
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Aug 17, 2023
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Hi all, Ave.

I have before me my Thoth and Rider Waite decks, and two books ... "The Mystical Qabalah" by Dion Fortune, and "ECK Wisdom on Soul Travel" by Harold Kemp.

My intention is to pathwork Gimel (the tree of life path from Kether to Tiphareth).

The basic idea or process for Pathworking is new to me per Fortunes process.
Usually I use the 54 bead rosary chanting silently or aloud the two godnames between the path, in this case, Ehieh and YHVH Eloah Ve-Daath.
Then I picture the key after gazing on it like a sigil, as the Major Arcana (and Minors and Courts) are sigils.
The idea is to project the letter, in this case, Gimel, and project into the key card image.

It disturbs me that this is the magical image of the camel crossing the Abyss.

What if the soul doesn't return?

In the book on Soul Travel there is an imaginative exercise to soul travel.

Relatively the same as gazing at and projecting into the card key.

Thoughts or suggestions?

Care, Diluculo.
I read the Missi Nigri Solis rite a while back (have tried it too.) It involves such travel. The authors of the book involved (Libri Nigri Solis) are fairly exacting, indeed a bit hard-bitten. Yet, they say that no particular care need be taken as to how to return. "What rises eventually falls." One simply wills return and it occurs. Still, I appreciate your concern and share it. I can't recall: does Dion Fortune say aught about the issue?
Sep 9, 2021
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She does. There is a physical pole and a spiritual pole. As one does the Path of Return, it should logically follow the one does the reverse travel. It also ends with earth grounding.
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Gimel was the selected pathworking for the evening. Images that arose while projecting Gimel:
A blinding gold light in the darkness.
A crown.
A crown of thorns with dripping blood.
A camel.

That was all.
Post automatically merged: 2 minutes ago

Also the hump contained the living water


Jun 30, 2021
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Some islamic lore says that camels are demons. You were annoyed while the camel has the living water. Might it be so that you need to 'eat' the camel. Or might it be so that in other paradigms the camel perhaps is ones anima with whom one needs to merge?
Sep 9, 2021
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Or perhaps the pathworking itself was a flop with only mental associations with Crown, beauty and camel coming to mind.
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Or perhaps not, as I went with her rosary method, and calling the two archangels on decade heads may have less impact than her method. So I guess that is what I read for the afternoon to really get it down before attempting soul travel into the cards.
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