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[Archive] [Shadow] Good Beginner Meditation Technique

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
I'ma share a technique that worked for me rather good that came from a friend:

Close your eyes; begin to visualize a place in nature or anything you can make up where the only person there is you. This place should be completely relaxing to you. Start with the basics, and begin adding more and more detail. Once you've visualized it fairly well, begin immersing each and all of your senses in it. Hear water running, leaves in the breeze or even the animals in the distance. Feel the breeze and the soil, or the water running between your fingertips. Smell the freshness of the air or the flowers surrounding you. Taste this freshness as well!

Now that your mind is completely in this place, slowly begin allowing everything to fade. You can do it all slowly at once, or one detail at a time. Let it all fade out to a place that is completely black. Nothing is in nor exists in this personal space but you.

To go on from here, you can begin to see a light. With each inhale & exhale, see the light beginning to become brighter and brighter. Realize that this light is a part of you; it is you. Continue growing this light until its brightness is so immense it completely encompasses the black; it completely encompasses you. Feel its warming power! Know that you are powerful and strong!

After this, slowly begin to come back to your own body. Begin to feel your fingers and your toes; begin to notice how it smells wherever you are. Begin to hear your environment, however quite. Notice the black that is simply your closed eyelids. Slowly begin opening your eyes and moving your body.

I hope you all enjoyed this small tutorial for a meditation technique. Let me know how it works out for you here should you try it for yourself!