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Spirits of Wanton Self


Jan 27, 2022
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So, I have seen these concepts/sprits/entities/strategies (pick a word, any word!) for a while out in the void. It's hard to look at more than one at a time because they appear to dominate whole regions of the void, probably according to various "common forces of self"

There are lots of names for them and people have seemed rather to converge on a set of names around them.

I've referenced one a few times, Mammon: The Spirit of Wanton Ownership.

There are others often referenced in things meant to be fiction but resonate strongly with reality: Nurgl/Plague, Slaanesh/Experience, etc.

They have had a number of "pop culture" names throughout the eons.

What are your (public) names for the Wanton Spirits that you all find trying to get up into your own business, and what do you do about it?


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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The 7 sins? I used the Latin names to make squares and draw names from, and ascribed each sin to a chakra (even though I don't really use chakras and the Lam Ram etc I do acknowledge energy centers)
But you might mean something else.


Jan 27, 2022
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A couple days ago, I ran into a friend of mine from a while back. Now, for the most part, it came up that this individual wanted to have more sex, particularly when I brought up that I like talking about magic, demons, gods, faeries and what not.

When I explained my interest in the "supernatural" (or at least, things commonly ascribed to being supernatural but which I myself observe as entirely natural), they asked me about connecting with some entity of wanton sexual gratification.

Of course, I know some of their names. I spent about a year or three dancing with that entity before I ended up learning their True Name and I just didn't care anymore after that.

Now, generally, I am not one to go putting people on the pathway to finding chaos gods, but this intrigued me insofar as I would rather see them succeed than become an "uwu".

They had a stated intent, and wanted to know more, so the knowledge just kind of spilled out of me:

All of the Spirit of Wanton Experience revolves around loudness of existence, and it was posted best in Montero by Lil' Nas X: I want to fuck the ones I envy.

As people do not envy that which they do not see, the first step on that path is to realize that to inspire people to wish to fuck you, you must loudly BE, and in a way that others will envy.

It is a risky gambit insofar as if the walker of this path is not careful, they may fall into the trap of narcissism. The weapon I have found against such, but by no means the only, is to step back and let others be loud, and encourage it if them so that you dance together rather than center stage.

The more which dance and sing... The more which fuck.

But, to walk it, you must shower the world loudly with art and song, and those images which are well designed to draw people to the idea of shared experience, and then make clear your intent: To Make Some Fuck.

Then, there are the chains one may place around this entity: chains of consent, and chains of context. If there are other chains that may be placed upon this thing I do not know, but these have proven enough for me so far. Neither of these things will muzzle the voice which draws one to narcissism. If one approaches this thing, one must be prepared to fight with that voice for the rest of their turn on the wheel.


Jun 30, 2021
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Have you ever been the interest of the evil eye? It seems to be the opposite corner. I got friends who are learning to control theirs, but a fox is still a fox...

As i can see them and feel their influence it is more annoying to me then to my loved ones.
Make some fuck and do some dance, after all these years is a bit of a bore and quite slow.

I was hoping there would be a 'fast and furious' healing agent. And yes the narcissism is getting annoying. On the other hand, when people are forced into whatever relation, narcissism can create that split and hopefully create a better spiritual path for the soul involved. At least thats how i used it. Better to have people happy in their place, then aggrivated by custum, culture and whatnot.

What i also find important is that the people who visit my home feel safe. Some spirits might not really like each other, but it should be possible to be a guest in my home without to much of a trouble. What i found out is that in the voudou movement in Haiti, people have done that work. I know it isnt an easy task as i worked on it before and it failed.

There are also some islamic texts that hint at it, but it is severly shrouded and after years of comparing workings probably the same as what they were working on in Haiti.

Sometimes it makes me feel like a whore in the bedroom, while for years now i have my own tavern with fresh beer and ladies of love upstairs...


Jan 27, 2022
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So, I thought long and hard as to which spirit to detail next. Looking at one long enough to approach it's true name in common English is itself an erosive experience that I should probably have expected more fully in engaging this endeavor.

But nonetheless, the next is the Spirit of Wanton Purity.

It's difficult to conceive that such an idea of Purity may be the core of a Chaos God. I do not know any ancient names or even new ones for this thing.

But nonetheless something dark rests at the middle of this funnel.

Because as one pursues purity for its own sake one becomes blinded to the person's to their left and right, and to their own flaws.

This is a core failing in many respects, and while some idea of Purity can be a blade, like Slaanesh it offers a second edge hidden in the handle, that of separation from the commons.

In many ways, this spirit and Slaanesh may seem like opposites, yet it is still possible to fall into the bottom of BOTH funnels. If you would like a hyperbolic and ridiculous example, I can oblige, but I will not for now.

Still a power is offered those who seek purity, in exchange for the call of exceptionalism: that of understanding that there is truth.

To resist the call of the exceptionalism, I have found that the most useful tool seems to be DOUBT: to accede that while one can be less wrong, one is still, on the whole, wrong about any thing that is not directly proven under a set of axioms, and only insofar as the axioms hold true and useful.


Aug 31, 2021
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I get that human people want to experience their own identity and that it is more attractive for some to do that in a self-centered path.

And yet, those humans with souls must have some instinct that active union with the Source of All is the ultimate goal - even if separated identity and thus active choice must first be experienced/made in order to coordinate the persona (mask) and connect that mask to the higher reality.

But how long should that take? Some appear to take many lifetimes before choosing union with the Source of All.


Jan 27, 2022
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I get that human people want to experience their own identity and that it is more attractive for some to do that in a self-centered path.

And yet, those humans with souls must have some instinct that active union with the Source of All is the ultimate goal - even if separated identity and thus active choice must first be experienced/made in order to coordinate the persona (mask) and connect that mask to the higher reality.

But how long should that take? Some appear to take many lifetimes before choosing union with the Source of All.
The source of all became this so that it could experience, and moreover experience effectively, "individuality".

This is evidenced by the fact that the first thing that happened once (literally anything) started interacting was to start pulling on everything else to create the only (at that time) available definition of individuality, with respect to creating "individuals" in gravity wells.

That didn't last very long and when all the gravity had created a single individual again, the game changed and another force divided things, and so on and so forth. The whole thing has been a fight for individuality in some ways of understanding it.

But also, figuring out how to effectively be an individual without being at conflict is important to that goal, too.

The Spirits of Wanton Self are what the Source of All, if I'm really going to run with your metaphor, used to make this, the posts on which it ripped itself apart into the "all".