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Service Offering TGK/The Mystical Rebel Service: Curse Removal

Someone is offering a service.
Curse Removal: $99.99

If it has been determined, either through the Curse Detection reading with me, a reading from another practitioner or a reading from yourself, that you are cursed then you would want to purchase this service to remove that curse and turn your fortunes around.

I will perform a ritual to remove the black magic being worked against you. I am initiated into and work from several systems and traditions so I am familiar with quite a few curse removal methods.

Message me to purchase.

NOTE: you may be required to do some work on your end to assist and facilitate the removal of the curse, most commonly in the form of a ritual bath. If asked to do one it is expected that you will follow through if you want to get the desired results. Instructions for any work on your end will be provided
Sep 9, 2021
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As soon as I have the funds and we chat, I will definitely be hitting you up, thank you for offering your services!
I should add in the meantime, I will try to put my own efforts into it as well until then.
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The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
As soon as I have the funds and we chat, I will definitely be hitting you up, thank you for offering your services!
I should add in the meantime, I will try to put my own efforts into it as well until then.

Of course! My purpose is to help and lead people out of new age darkness and into the occult light of truth!


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: Service Offering: TGK/The Mystical Rebel Service: Curse Removal
SUBTOPIC: ≈ Darkness and the Occult
⁜→ The God-King, et al,
I read and then re-read what you are saying. But there are parts that are troubling and confusing. I suggest that there is something wrong with:

lead people out of new age darkness
and into the
occult light of truth!
.............................................................................................---The God-King

While we could write several volumes on this subject, I would like to offer these three observations from one of the Subject Matter Expert (SME):
"Demonic possession can happen in one of four ways,
according to Amorth: through a curse by another, by continuing
a life of sin, by practicing occultism, and as a test
of the victim’s faith, most usually the trials endured by
the saints that prove their holiness. The possessed person
invites SATAN into his or her life by choosing the paths of
sin and occultism; the other two ways are foisted upon
the unwary."​
Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by —
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Copyright © 2009 Infobase Publishing, Inc. by Visionary Living, Inc. 132 West 31st Street
New York NY 10001 (𓅂)

I suppose that if I simplify the research here, it would be that extreme caution is called for when you say •out of darkness and into the occult light• (paraphrased).

To say "darkness" is just an academic way of saying "undefined evil." The Occult Ritual against the Undefined Evil is an Opportunity for possession.

Just My Thought,


Most Respectfully,

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
RE: Service Offering: TGK/The Mystical Rebel Service: Curse Removal
SUBTOPIC: ≈ Darkness and the Occult
⁜→ The God-King, et al,
I read and then re-read what you are saying. But there are parts that are troubling and confusing. I suggest that there is something wrong with:

lead people out of new age darkness
and into the
occult light of truth!
.............................................................................................---The God-King

While we could write several volumes on this subject, I would like to offer these three observations from one of the Subject Matter Expert (SME):
"Demonic possession can happen in one of four ways,​
according to Amorth: through a curse by another, by continuing​
a life of sin, by practicing occultism, and as a test​
of the victim’s faith, most usually the trials endured by​
the saints that prove their holiness. The possessed person​
invites SATAN into his or her life by choosing the paths of​
sin and occultism; the other two ways are foisted upon​
the unwary."​
Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology by —
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Copyright © 2009 Infobase Publishing, Inc. by Visionary Living, Inc. 132 West 31st Street
New York NY 10001 (𓅂)

I suppose that if I simplify the research here, it would be that extreme caution is called for when you say •out of darkness and into the occult light• (paraphrased).

To say "darkness" is just an academic way of saying "undefined evil." The Occult Ritual against the Undefined Evil is an Opportunity for possession.

Just My Thought,


Most Respectfully,

Thanks for your comment but to me that sounds like evangelical propaganda. I don't know of anyone who has become possessed simply by practicing the occult. Why do possession stories predominantly come out of one religion (Christianity), at least here in the West.

With that said, I don't see any issue with the wording of this service offering. Many New Age practices and beliefs are a detriment to the overall spiritual community and keeps people in spiritual darkness. The New Age itself is a severely watered down lite version of legitimate Occultism. If that's true and the New Age keeps people in spiritual darkness, it would then logically follow that the light is found in the study and practice of legitimate Occultism. I'm sorry you have an issue with how I worded it but I won't be changing it.


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: Service Offering: TGK/The Mystical Rebel Service: Curse Removal
SUBTOPIC: ≈ Darkness and the Occult
⁜→ The God-King, et al,


I appreciate the opportunity to learn from you.

evangelical propaganda.

I'm not sure that I know Evangelical "Propaganda" when it is presented.

I - neither Bible/Grimooire pound in favor of one following over another --- OR --- advocate for a change in direction (
go this way or that • believe this way or that). I think I said that - "it would be that extreme caution is called for" when dealing with an understanding of the "Occult;" which does not have an agreed-upon profile or a universal definition.

The Occult is a complex Metaphysics concept that is neither Black nor White since all magic is a derivative of the First Cause (the Super Being).
Why do possession stories predominantly come out of one religion (Christianity), at least here in the West.

I'll be honest, I have no clue. Well, there are clues out there, I just do not know how to interpret them.

The followers of the Abrahamic God have evolved differently over the last two millennia. One needs only look to the Middle East

I'm sorry you have an issue with how I worded it but I won't be changing it.

It is not at all about the wording. I did not ask you to change the wording. I suggested the application for additional caution.

Just My Thought,


Most Respectfully,
Sep 9, 2021
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Of course! My purpose is to help and lead people out of new age darkness and into the occult light of truth!
We're looking at a couple weeks hopefully. Next month tops, by then I should have the funds besides expenses.
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I can see both points.
From the service sellers pov, they are in and will be in control of their own ritual, yet instructions remain for the receiver to perform, they could be the ones at risk in the other POV. Also from that other pov, being in a receptive or passive state is dangerous. Its dangerous because without clairs and some approval from a spirit guide or HGA, you may not know if it is a trickster or malicious spirit.
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Feb 1, 2023
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We're looking at a couple weeks hopefully. Next month tops, by then I should have the funds besides expenses.
Post automatically merged:

I can see both points.
From the service sellers pov, they are in and will be in control of their own ritual, yet instructions remain for the receiver to perform, they could be the ones at risk in the other POV. Also from that other pov, being in a receptive or passive state is dangerous. Its dangerous because without clairs and some approval from a spirit guide or HGA, you may not know if it is a trickster or malicious spirit.
how much is all this anyway?
Sep 9, 2021
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One hundred or less.
I for one would be interested to see if after and before I do two road openers, Id love to see the before and after with this in the middle. But a couple months in between either way with the ROs.