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[Tutorial] Ultimate Energetic Cleansing Protocol (ala Sphere + Sundry)

Informative post.
aka Protocol for the Establishment of Energetic Sovereignty

Note – this is modular. If you don’t have a bell, tap a knife on a wineglass. If you don’t have anything that makes a clear ringing sound, leave it out. If you can’t use incense, use a scented candle. If you can’t use a candle either, leave it out. Doing all parts would be maximally effective, but perfect is the enemy of the good. You're resourceful (you're a magician): figure it out and adapt.

I don’t have a bathtub so this is Shower Protocol; again, you can adapt.

If you’re not sure, eg, what herbs are cleansing/banishingy, you can google, there are lists everywhere. You can also use your instincts and sense of smell. Instructions for consecrating olive oil are googlable too.

Frequency: I do this once a month, but that's because my current ritual program begins a new phase each month. Otherwise I'd probably do it quarterly, or if I'd been in spiritually mucky circumstances, felt really tired/drained, had other reason to suspect it was necessary.


  • Cleansing/purifying herb (I use hyssop)
  • Heatproof container for making hyssop tea in
  • Salt or Natron [recipe: [Tutorial] - Making Natron (for Egyptian/PGM purification rituals) ]
  • Incense burner + incense (of a cleansing/banishing variety)
  • Lighter/matches for the incense
  • Knife or blunt scrapey thing, ideally iron or steel (which contains iron) (does not have to be special ritual tool! Workers use their tools, its fine!)
  • Bell
  • Anointing Oil (can be plain olive oil)
    (note: I recommend using two oils – one “banishing”-y one for anointing the knife and bell, and one “luck/blessing” type one for anointing myself afterwards. These can both be plain olive oil, or olive and sesame, just consecrate them differently)
  • Plastic tub you can stand in, like a clothes storage tub or whatever
  • Plastic pitcher for pouring

  • Even more optional: a crystal you like
  • oh, a candle if you want to bathe by candlelight

If I couldn’t do all these parts, I would add in a cleanse with an absorbing gemstone (onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, hematite) or a raw egg – invoke its spirit and run it over every part of body to absorb negative energy. Use the instructions for bell/smoke/scraper as a guide. (If using an egg: Throw it out afterwards! Do not eat!)

There are some prayers/invocations: adapt to your preferred pantheon or whatever. Ningirima, Sumerian goddess of purification and incantations would be a good one. I have used Hygeia. It is important to note that she is not just the Goddess of “hygiene” – it meant something broader, more like wholeness and wholesomeness, soundness of mind and body. She's associated with the pentagram (as a symbol of wholeness) and was used as a greeting by Pythagoreans.

  • If you care about this sort of thing, choose an appropriate planetary day and hour. But if timing it right is going to make you feel rushed and nervy, I would just do the day. Or neither if you don’t care about planets.
  • Clean your bathroom, and the room you’ll go into afterwards (bedroom or temple space). (Note, I have never yet cleaned my bathroom first but I definitely should.)
  • Make sure you have a clean towel to dry off with and a set of clean clothes to change into.
  • Make big jug/(heatproof) tupperware container of [HERB] tea. Boil water and pour over loose herbs. Put in fridge if it’ll be more than an hour or two till your ritual. Don't leave more than a couple of days, it'll go bad.
  • Print / write out text of any invocations you don't want to memorise
  • Earlier in the day, have a shower, clean every part of you, groom and trim anything you normally groom and trim, pluck eyebrows, cut fingernails, etc. Consider getting a haircut or just cutting off the tips of your hair, exfoliating, etc. THOROUGH clean. Don’t use hair products (wax etc) afterwards.
RITUAL ORDER OF OPERATIONS (detailed version follows)
  1. Lay out tools
  2. (Optional: Invoke planet of the day and/or hour)
  3. (Optional: LRBP, LRBH)
  4. Light incense, invoke spirit of Fire
  5. Smoke cleanse tools
  6. Anoint tools with oil
  7. Bell to shatter energies
  8. Scrape ‘luminous threads’ / energetic attachments from self
  9. Smoke bath
  10. Put plastic tub in shower, fill with hot water from shower.
  11. Invoke spirit of WATER
  12. Invoke spirit of SALT/NATRON, mix in tub water.
  13. Invoke spirit of HERB, pour your container of tea in water.
  14. Invoke spirit of CRYSTAL, put in tub
  15. [Sphere & Sundry recommends adding half a cup of beer to the water if you need energetic nourishment. I’ve never tried this.]
  16. Trace sigils over surface of water if you know any good ones.
  17. (Optional) Prayer to Hygeia
  18. Pour water over whole body and hair.
  19. Dry off minimally
  20. Thank tools / give licence to depart
  21. Go to bedroom or Temple space to finish drying. (Optional: Bring incense or burn new incense if you like)
  22. Say Psalm, Orphic Hymn or other invocation of sealing and blessing.
  23. Anoint with blessing or lucky oil.
YOU’RE DONE. You will probably feel much lighter (if you've ever had long hair and cut it short: like that) and also what Sphere and Sundry describes as giving your aura a "fluffy and insulated, warm-from-the-dryer sensation". So unofficial last step is "enjoy that feeling, chill for a bit if you can, don't immediately pull out your phone and look at apps that stress you out."

It looks complicated but it's just because I've given 100% complete instructions. Seriously, this is the complete and full kit, everything except the plastic tub for the shower (the protein shake bottle is the pitcher stand-in). Some of the ingredients are fancier than they need to be but it's just what I have.



Lay out tools.

Remember to put the final anointing oil and print-out of the final invocation/psalm in your bedroom or temple space, not in the bathroom. You might also want to put a glass of water in there.

Invoke planet of day and hour (short invocations included at end of text if you want them)

(Optional: LRBP, LRBH)

Light incense, invoke spirit of Fire

O, Spirit of Fire, who burns Away that which does not serve, priming for Renewal and New Life! Hygeia, Goddess of Good Health! I baptize these tools in your Holy Smoke. I pray you empower them to sever any energetic connections between Myself and Others that do not contribute to my Good Health, Wellbeing, and Sovereignty. Cleanse these implements of any and all negative energies with this Blessed Fumigation. Cleanse my vessel and auric body of any and all energies and attachments I am better Liberated from. Transmute and burn away all which is not mine, ensuring absolute Restoration of Selfhood. For this, I am Grateful!

Smoke Cleanse tools – turn instruments in the smoke while saying the above

Anoint tools with oil – as it sounds. Invoke the oils if you like

Bell cleanse

Bells are used to shatter and dispel energies. Start by ringing it over the crown of the head and work your way down, including between your legs, and bottom of feet. You’ve gone to all this effort so you might as well be thorough. Open mouth with tongue stuck out (People are often invested in what we do or do not say, and the tongue is a frequent target in works of maleficia and binding.)

Scrape off ‘luminous threads’

This is a concept from Aidan Wachter. These are parasitical energetic attachments that are generally not malicious or even deliberate, but you still don’t want them. Begin above the head and move your SCRAPER/KNIFE down in smooth, long, intentional strokes. If you have a blade edge, it should be pointing downward and outward at all times, as if the energies are being shaved off of the body. The tool should float an inch above the body, not necessarily touching it. You might find it gets energetically ‘stuck’ in places and you need to do multiple short strokes like you would cutting grass by hand.

If you have long hair (and not too sharp a blade!), you can drape it over the SCRAPER/KNIFE and move the tool outward, cutting energies tied to the hair.

Smoke bath

As with the bell, move smoke over whole body, including between legs, bottom of feet, behind ears, nape of neck, open mouth and little smoke in mouth, etc etc. If you wanted, you could repeat the invocation of Fire, but replace “these tools” with “me”.

Put plastic tub in shower, fill with hot water from shower.

Invoke spirit of Water

O, Spirit of Water, who makes Clean and Washes Away! Awaken and Empower this Bath to Cleanse the entirety of my Being — my Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit. Make me Newly Born, wholly Refreshed, and Pure, for I am most Thankful, and turn to you in sincere need of Purification.

Invoke spirit of SALT/NATRON, mix into tub of water.

O, Spirit of Salt, you who Purifies and Preserves! Who Absorbs all negativity and Protects! I pray you Empower this Bath to remove from the entirety of my Being — my Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit, that which does not serve. I ask that you strip anything and everything impeding my Healthy and Sovereign Existence. Praise be.

Invoke spirit of HERB, pour your container of tea in water.

O, Spirit of Hyssop, who breaks jinxes and banishes evil spirits! Awaken and Empower this Bath to Purify the entirety of my Being — my Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit. Dissolve all curses, jinxes, hexes and crossed conditions, and, with my gratitude, leave me clean and untarnished, a shining lamp and a brilliant star.

[first two are by S&S, third I had to adapt because they didn't have one for the herbs, you can ofc spot the plagiarism from the Water invocation. Any additional ingredients can be added here, you can write a quick invocation with the structure "O Spirit of [Ingredient], who [thing ingredient does]. Please do [thing], causing me to be [something nice] for which I am grateful."

Invoke spirit of CRYSTAL, put in tub

I have a piece of lapis lazuli I'm fond of, and I just say something quick eg “Lapis Lazuli, cloak me in your mantle of royalty” or whatever. Lapis isn't a cleansing crystal, I just like it.

Add beer if using it

Trace sigils over surface of water if you know any

Prayer to Hygeia (adapted from Orphic Hymn)

O blessed Hygeia, Most-honored Queen, charming as clear morning,
all-mother, bliss-bringer, hear me.
You make the sickness that afflicts us vanish.
Through you every house blossoms to the fullness of joy.
Without you, all wealth is without profit.
When the world celebrates you, Queen, every art thrives.
Hades, reaper of souls, resents you for delaying the increase of his kingdom.
You taught us that cleanliness prevents harm.
You gave us the key to making each day new.
Keep away the unbearable distress of sickness.
Grace me with shining health.

Pour water over whole body and hair.

Stand in tub (this is so you catch some of what falls and you don’t have to be stingy about how much you pour). Pour water over body. Thorough again: Pour over each arm individually, over each leg, over chest and back, (you should be pretty clean but I’d still do butt/genitals while standing outside tub), over face, over whole head, inc behind ears. When you’ve done every individual part, [remove crystal, and] pick up tub and pour entire remaining tub over self.

Dry off minimally

Thank tools / give licence to depart

[Adapt for what you actually used]

Thread-cutting knife, bell, censer and vessels: thank you for the aid you have given me this day
Thank you to the rulers of the day and hour, [x] and [y] (only if you actively chose and invoked)
Thank you to the spirits of fire, water, hyssop and natron.
Thank you to Hygeia, Mistress of Good Health, who keeps body and spirit clean alike.
As you arrived in peace, depart in peace.

Go to bedroom or Temple space to finish drying. (Optional: Bring incense or burn new, 'blessing' incense if you like)

Say Psalm, Orphic Hymn or other invocation of sealing and blessing.

Sphere and Sundry recommends
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because it has a bit about anointing oil. I like Psalm 91 which is just super friendly and protective. (I’m not Christian/Jewish so I can't hack any of that "I am a lowly worm, I'm begging you to help me even though I don't deserve it" stuff.)
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I also like this Venus invocation from Denning & Phillips but it’s a very specific vibe.

HANIEL x 9 [archangel of Venus] [or intelligence of planet or whoever]
May I ever be filled with joyous awe,
as I contemplate the unity of life and love:
a unity wherein all that we love can be a source of spiritual life for us. Lovingly may I delight in the Worlds of Life, divine and earthly and all that lies between;
may I love and rejoice in the sublime and thrilling loveliness of the forces of life themselves.
I invoke the Angel[Spirit, etc] of Venus, the divine power that directs these forces:
May I be guarded by the armour of her invincible beauty,
May I walk secure within the aura of her perfect harmony and concord.
As I go forward in the mantle of her radiance, may every level of my being be empowered by the cosmic cadence of her sacred dance. So may it be, in the name CHARIS

Anoint with blessing or lucky oil.

(hands, feet, crown, heart, throat, third eye, whatever feels right)


I've rewritten some of this but the majority should be credited to Sphere and Sundry.

Short invocations for day and hour, slightly tweaked from Melita and Denning:

Sphere of Dreaming
Night’s illuminator
Ruler of the tides
Pearl of the soul
Luna, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus, I invoke your pure silver fire
Enter, and be welcome!

Sphere of Thought
Winged Traveler of the aethers
Divine Messenger
Magic’s Professor
Mercury, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus, I invoke your bright swift wisdom
Enter, and be welcome!

Sphere of Justice
Defender of Truth
Inspiration of courage
Failure’s Adversary
Mars, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus I invoke your steadfast strength and Will
Enter, and be welcome!

Sphere of Compassion
Arbiter of Mercy
Fortune’s patron
Bestower of abundance
Jupiter, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus I invoke your gracious benevolence
Enter, and be welcome!

Sphere of Emotion
Dancer of the heart
Love’s sweet inspiration
Harmony and rhythm of the soul
Venus, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus I invoke your beauty and your joy
Enter, and be welcome!

Sphere of Transcendence
Gatemaster of Time
Needful Scythebearer
Guardian of the Threshold
Saturn, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus I invoke your transformative power
Enter, and be welcome!

Sphere of Beauty
Mediator of the Balance
Shining arbiter of the day
Illuminator of vision’s clarity
Sol, this DAY/HOUR is under your rule
Thus I invoke your radiant glory
Enter, and be welcome!
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Potential changes:

Sphere + Sundry has the Smoke Bath immediately after smoke-cleansing tools, BEFORE shattering and scraping. That doesn't make sense to me: shattering and scraping break up energetic attachments but don't wash them away, so I think they ought to go first. But S+S are more expert than me

I think you could also move the Prayer to Hygeia (or deity of choice) to immediately after the LBRP and invoking planetary day/hour, before cleansing tools.

Seriously though: this is the best cleansing protocol I've ever come across. Someone try it out and tell me you don't love it.
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Oct 13, 2022
Reaction score
Thanks for for posting this. I had a sudden sense of relieve, I am going to try it out probably next week Saturday now so it gives me enough time to prepare myself, unfortunately I don't have those hand held bells so I'm gonna have to use basically jingle bells.


Sep 1, 2023
Reaction score
unfortunately I don't have those hand held bells so I'm gonna have to use basically jingle bells
I honestly think that's completely fine - the form of a bell isn't what makes it a "bell", it's the vibratory effect on the air.

(Whereas, say, for a chalice to perform the function of a chalice, the form matters - it has to have a hollow space, be some form of vessel that can contain, etc)


Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
I tried some of this. I actually have a question about

Scrape off ‘luminous threads’

I got a headache after doing this, I'm assuming I had a lot of parasitic spirits, is that normal or does it mean I did something wrong?


Sep 1, 2023
Reaction score
I got a headache after doing this, I'm assuming I had a lot of parasitic spirits, is that normal or does it mean I did something wrong?
It's not something that's happened to me, but I doubt it means you've done anything wrong. You might have had a fair few attachments, if it's not something you've done before.

I don't think it's parasitical spirits for the most part, it's just energetic connections that have got stuck to yours. Like, if you visit someone with a cat, you're gonna have cat hairs all over you when you get home. The cat isn't a parasite and doesn't have ill intentions towards you, but still... you're all covered in cat hair now, and you need to clean it off. I don't think it's something that can really "go wrong". When you wash your hands after the toilet, you are washing off bacteria that could make you sick, but still it's not a practice that you should spend much time thinking about or worrying about, it's just part of hygiene. That's the equivalent here, in my view.

The practice comes from Page 148 of Six Ways by Aidan Wachter, which is in the library if you want to read more on it. (It's just a single page, but still, more detail than I gave)


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
@pixel_fortune this is a very useful post. Thanks and I will make sure to use the methods when needed
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One thing I thought about while reading it is that we can use Venus evocation to cleanse from certain toxic love aspects (that would also be good for anyone who suffered abuse from toxic relationships or has past ties to toxic partners)