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When does it become okay for you to throw a curse?


Jul 2, 2022
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Half a decade ago, I was a hot-headed prick who would throw some because "insert immature reason that actually was about me".

Some did work and the target was never the same. Some was just a flicker in a storm. Some blew in my face bid time. Learned that it wasn't a toy old school way.

Nowadays, I would rather fix the issue in any other way unless I am willing to wreck this persons life with or without magick, means they really must be fucking with me over and over. Or if we are dealing with some local rapist or pedo.

Where do you draw the line?


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
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Apr 12, 2021
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I still legit would never. Mostly because there's only like 3 things that would ever anger me enough to warrant me going out of my way to hurt someone, and for those particular reasons, I'd much prefer something material world punishments, if you know what I mean.

My anger meter goes from 1-10 and then straight to 100, there's no in between. Anything less than 100 is 10 max.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Well, what is a curse.
Those types of spells are the easiest to let go off after doing them. I personally see it as a way of venting anger. Cast and forget without worrying and waiting.

If that didn't answer it: I do it. Frequently to be honest. I can be a petty little man.


Jan 19, 2022
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I don't know if there is a right answer to this question because it varies person to person and situation to situation.

My experience with Curse workings is very similar to yours though @Vandheer

I was young and quick to anger and feel wronged and I lashed out magickly a few times when I shouldn't have.

I was imo immature and what I really needed to do was look at myself and what I needed to change and not worry about someone else much less trying to hurt them because I felt that they hurt me.

It was petty behavior that I'm ashamed of now but all I can do is learn from the experience and move on.

Now I'm very close to saying I would never do that kind of Magick again for any reason. Someone would have to be actively attacking me or a loved one repeatedly to the point that a curse would be active protection for me to do it again.


Nov 19, 2023
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Any kind of intentional disrespect, anything that would have warranted a broken nose 80 years ago, gets some level of retaliation. A guy's got to have at least some sense of dignity. Interestingly, I am waaaaaay easier on women, though I am not exactly clear on why.


May 26, 2022
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I was a little skeptical of curses when I started practicing the occult. For some reason I had a belief that magic could be used for self-transformation and altering one's circumstances but not to affect another's life.

I've since come around on that idea. Twice I have attempted a curse when I wanted someone out of my life and ordinary means weren't working. Both times appear to have been successful, but one of the targets committed suicide, which was never the intended goal. Of course I have no way of knowing if the suicide was related to my magical actions, but the possibility sure reigns in any eagerness to go throwing shit around willy-nilly.

I'd do it again, but likely only for the same reasons. Revenge or retaliation aren't normally my MO with mundane activities, and I see no reason to change this philosophy with magic. If someone fucks with me they get cut out. No more chances to take advantage. If time passes and I find myself unable to make this happen, I'd try another curse.

Or if we are dealing with some local rapist or pedo.

Revenge for this though. I assume if anyone messed with family members, especially kids, I'd be willing to throw any nice-guy philosophies out the window. However, for evil shit like this the mob might not even bother to stop by the temple on their way to deal with it.
Sep 9, 2021
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Half a decade ago, I was a hot-headed prick who would throw some because "insert immature reason that actually was about me".

Some did work and the target was never the same. Some was just a flicker in a storm. Some blew in my face bid time. Learned that it wasn't a toy old school way.

Nowadays, I would rather fix the issue in any other way unless I am willing to wreck this persons life with or without magick, means they really must be fucking with me over and over. Or if we are dealing with some local rapist or pedo.

Where do you draw the line?
Anyone can change for the better given the right amount of care and everyone makes mistakes. I draw the line where they continually harm my friends or family (note this means multiple times).
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Ive thrown three curses in my life:
1. To Speedway/7-11 Management for poor treatment of labor.
2. To a person who ws a coven leader putting a person I know in continual bad light and harming his mental health.
3. To a person harming a friend of mine through Satanic curses, to a point where everything she tried felt cursed by this woman.
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Nov 19, 2023
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I've since come around on that idea. Twice I have attempted a curse when I wanted someone out of my life and ordinary means weren't working. Both times appear to have been successful, but one of the targets committed suicide, which was never the intended goal. Of course I have no way of knowing if the suicide was related to my magical actions, but the possibility sure reigns in any eagerness to go throwing shit around willy-nilly.
I've had similar things happen. I've had wildly varying effects on different targets. Some folks seem nearly bulletproof, and others expire from nearly anything at all. I'm trying to come up with a divination system to estimate how strong of an effect a spell will have on a particular person at the time. It would seem people walk around with all kinds of physical and mental health problems that are not easily detected.
Sep 9, 2021
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Layered curses are also an option, with a clause of if the person or situation doesnt change then add another layered curse, the first one being the shortest, and each layer progressively longer. Or if through a pact, stress more to a point of commanding an additional factor of the pact toward the target.
Why should a person be cursed?
Thats subjective to the caster, right?
Baphomet-X once said in one of his videos he used to curse someone if they looked at him the wrong way, and its not that he became kinder, he simply became more selective in how he did them.


Jan 19, 2022
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Just thought I would come back and add this since imo it's handy info to have...

If anyone casts a curse spell and then regrets it within say a week or two and wants to end it then do an LBRP/LBRH combo.

That is what Scott Stenwick refers to as the 'Banishing Field'.

It's basically a Full Shutdown of all ongoing Magickal operations.

It's also probably why some people's curses don't appear to work because this is a common combination that is taught early in Magick. They will cast a curse and then do this combo and the curse ends without them realizing.

This also goes for any Spells/Operations Good or Bad.

Unless you have bound a working to a Talisman and covered it the LBRP/LBRH combo will in effect Nuke the Magick.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Most authors pooh-pooh the myth about the Threefold Law, however, with some of them also claiming that a curse will rebound on you if you have regrets or feeling bad after you cast it. I can easily believe that, so a certain 'cooling-off' period (say three days) after having suffered an offence or insult seems to be in order. Only if after these three days I'm still convinced that the other person should be punished some way would I consider a curse, and only if I still felt some righteous anger and a genuine thirst for justice and hadn't simmered down in the meantime.

I have yet to encounter a truly evil person in real life that thrives on inflicting suffering on me or others, so I'd say the danger of having serious regrets after throwing a curse far outweighs any satisfaction of successful revenge for me. Hower, some spell at behaviour modification may be appropriate in certain circumstances and you may well consider it a curse, too - robbing a bully of his favorite pastime, for example, may well plunge him into a psychological crisis or even depression as a result of this sudden personality change entirely alien to him.

Of course the usual secret rider applies in practice when discussing theoretical discussions about ethics: "I think it's not ok to… (unless I really want to)", or "Generally I'm not a vindictive person… (but this is an exception)". I think you refrain from unethical behavior because of past bad experiences or fear of punishment, not because of some noble abstract principles you profess to uphold.


Sep 1, 2023
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The only reason to curse imo is if it will stop that person from doing further harm

But that's tricky to predict ("even the wise cannot see all ends")

For example:
Let's say I have a co-worker who I somehow find out is beating his wife. I curse him, and it causes him to lose his job. That's nice for me because I hated working alongside this asshole

But we know from the research that male abusers become more violent when they lose their jobs - a) their masculinity is threatened by the loss of status, so they feel a need to prove it through dominance, and b) they're just more stressed overall

Now, am I suggesting we start a jobs program for domestic abusers? Obviously not. But it's hard to see how I can justify a curse where the end result is "violence against the victim increases"

A classic curse is: make the guy leave town. But that's TERRIBLE for his wife - now she's lost what little support network she had, and is alone with this guy in a new town where she doesn't know anyone

I'm just saying, it can be a tightrope. What's satisfying for you - and what the target deserves - may not be the best thing for protecting their victims. And that makes it very selfish
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In terms of just cursing anyone who you feel disrespected... ahh that's kind of pitiful I'm sorry!

Like: if a small child called you a poopoo-head, you wouldn't care, right? That wouldn't get under your skin. And if someone did feel like their dignity or honour had been offended by that, you'd think they were pathetic.

Well, that kind of extends up the chain. If some rando can get under your skin via insulting your mum or cutting you off in traffic or whatever, it's a bad look for you!

(I mean, it depends on age. Like if you're in your 20s, okay fair enough, you're still a hothead. But if a 40-year-old is cursing people for disrespecting them - for being rude but not doing any meaningful harm to them - woof. That person needs to get their head sorted)
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if a small child called you a poopoo-head
Reader, it happened to me 😥
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Oct 29, 2023
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it's always okay to do it. It is why we can.
It's also okay to endure the consequences of what happens.
SHOULD we is a different can of worms. Goes back to the mage and his reasoning.
and i don't mean that in some karmic- what you put out is thrice what you get type of thing
might be talking out of my place as i never (knowingly) did that to someone
but when push comes to shove just keep the same energy when it's time to pay the piper.

im reminded of Dave Mustaine, he talked a few times publicly about cursing people with success


Nov 19, 2023
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In terms of just cursing anyone who you feel disrespected... ahh that's kind of pitiful I'm sorry!

Like: if a small child called you a poopoo-head, you wouldn't care, right? That wouldn't get under your skin. And if someone did feel like their dignity or honour had been offended by that, you'd think they were pathetic.

Well, that kind of extends up the chain. If some rando can get under your skin via insulting your mum or cutting you off in traffic or whatever, it's a bad look for you!

(I mean, it depends on age. Like if you're in your 20s, okay fair enough, you're still a hothead. But if a 40-year-old is cursing people for disrespecting them - for being rude but not doing any meaningful harm to them - woof. That person needs to get their head sorted)
Since I was the only one to mention disrespect, this is obviously for me. I don't care what you think of me, the thread is about when it becomes okay for a person to throw a curse, and I posted my thoughts and experiences. So kindly get off your pompous, self righteous, high horse, and back tf off with your mockery and personal attacks in saying i'm pitiful and need to get my head sorted.


Nov 4, 2023
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The first time I ever truly cursed someone (which I'd define as the release negative energies without caring about what happens next), the effect was the magical equivalent of a nuclear explosion. The person asking for it (and, believe me, they were!) was obliterated but, like nuclear fallout, everything surrounding them was dragged into the aftershock too and that hurt people for whom I only had loving feelings. After that, I realised that it wasn't a game to play lightly. I can count on two hands how many times I've done it since and the effect has always been devastating.

I do think watching an effective curse at work is an important experience early in a magician's life; it does more to shock, encourage responsibility and prove the reality of magic than a thousand well-meaning conversations. It's for this reason that some LHP groups ask acolytes to pronounce a curse early on.

I have a pretty high threshold for dealing with negative people. If someone cuts me off in traffic or otherwise behaves in the way that humans are prone to, I deal with it through normal means. More usually I will just let it go. If it's escalated beyond that, I will hold onto the negative energies that their behaviour has given rise to and transfer those energies back to them for them to deal with. Those two options are generally sufficient for most situations.

However, if a person is to be cursed, I will ask myself if things can be put right through conventional means. I will estimate what value the person brings to the world ("OK, they might be vile but what kind of a mother/father are they? How do they treat their dog/cat?"). In essence, I will look for a reason not to do it. However, if a person brings nothing of value to the world and only tries to ruin what is valuable, if they are working against the emergence of a world of beauty, if they are a danger to others more life-filled than they are, then I choose to believe that they have crossed my path so that I am able to deal with them.


On Probation
Jan 29, 2024
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If they damage you to the point that you become suicidal, it's time to use black magick to attack them. Crazily enough, the love and light fellas on reddit were like I was the wrong one for attacking those who hurt me with black magick.


Sep 1, 2023
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Since I was the only one to mention disrespect, this is obviously for me. I don't care what you think of me, the thread is about when it becomes okay for a person to throw a curse, and I posted my thoughts and experiences. So kindly get off your pompous, self righteous, high horse, and back tf off with your mockery and personal attacks in saying i'm pitiful and need to get my head sorted.
It was partially a reference to you, but you're hardly alone in that approach, it's common (I mean, look at road rage - people let strangers get under their skin all the time).

I could have phrased it less harshly, but re: "needing to get your head sorted" - who the hell DOESN'T? It's just about different stuff. (like, I'm in therapy - I clearly believe I need to get my own head sorted so I'm not saying something about you I don't say about yourself)
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Haha I just realised by your own "curse everyone who's rude to me" rubric, I'm probably on your list now. Time for some extra shielding I guess!
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Jun 30, 2021
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i think that when you have the power to throw real curses you are on a higher level then road rage. so when one angers you and you cant find a reason why you should still have compassion and the backlash is smaller then the win, why not?

for minor issues im not a pro. im a firm follower of the respect mentioned in capoeira: dont hit a little one and dont annoy a bigger one for no good reason.