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Why fighting?


Sep 20, 2023
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I recently found myself in a moral dilemma: why fighting the “dark”, the evil?
All our struggles are by definition pointless as we cannot ultimately defeat the darkness itself nor the One who “causes” it, and statistically someday they’ll for sure be able to simply overthrow us.
If this reasoning is not wrong, then what is the point of keeping fighting? Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to just pledge our allegiance to them? Or at least try to find some sort of “compromise”, if that’s even possible…


Aug 31, 2021
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For many the question is: who/what controls my personality?

Self-control is a the basic requirement for first stage enlightenment.

Until self-control exists, the human may easily be led to act in ways contrary to the welfare of the planet and its species


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Honestly I see "good" and "evil" as two sides of the same coin, you can't have one without the other.
People can preach all they want about getting rid of evil, but as long as there is good there will also be evil for there can be no way to discern good from evil is there is no evil to compare to.

In the end we're both light and darkness, we shouldn't seek to exterminate one side nor the other, but to understand each other and learn how to live in harmony...well, "harmony" I guess.
If this reasoning is not wrong, then what is the point of keeping fighting?
People fight because they think it is possible to end all evil and then everything will be only good.But that's a flawed belief.
What they can truly fight are the evil actions of themselves and of others, that can be done, but "evil" itself, the darkness inside all of us is something that can't be fought.

This is only my opinion though.
For many the question is: who/what controls my personality?
I and only I.
External factors might try to influence in your decisions but that influence only happens if you also allow it to happen.


Oct 29, 2023
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Hmm. I would say it speaks to who you are.
Evil is always stronger at any given time but just joining it for weak benefits does not actually keep you safe.
If you were really into the dark you would find yourself flourishing over it's basic natural laws and fundamentals
The same goes for the light, though usually weakened it comes with it's own set, namely it's resistance to corruption
Evil seduces the weak but it meatgrinds them one way or another, even though you are alive and fed you are still a corporate slave
Type of thing. The contrast i would say is that Good/Light has a tendency to instill fanaticism that is just as bad.
So, if were to see my self as a paladin of light fighting back by whatever means -
then the end of the conflict does not really matter to me, i am fulfilled by
taking my place in the ranks suited to my nature.
If i were evil, than the spread of corruption or slaughter satisfies me just fine. so what if it's never over?
I will be over sooner or later so i might as well do something that appeals to my character.

(the hidden option of course is neutrality or the grey area but i think i answered the op question to how i see it already)

"Apathy is death"


Aug 31, 2021
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I rarely see humans that can control their thoughts. How do they choose whether to fight?


Aug 17, 2023
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I recently found myself in a moral dilemma: why fighting the “dark”, the evil?
All our struggles are by definition pointless as we cannot ultimately defeat the darkness itself nor the One who “causes” it, and statistically someday they’ll for sure be able to simply overthrow us.
If this reasoning is not wrong, then what is the point of keeping fighting? Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to just pledge our allegiance to them? Or at least try to find some sort of “compromise”, if that’s even possible…
One fights for space to carry on his life. Look at history (especially ancient) By the same token, why go to work in the morning? Statistically, every company fails eventually.
Compromise? Sure...it buys you time to plot your next gambit.
I suggest you read Sun Zi, Machiavelli, and Clausewitz. Then get yourself into a dicey place in the world for an extended time. (This includes any "diverse and vibrant" neighborhood in any American big city.) You will receive an education as to "why fight?"


Oct 29, 2023
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Evil being stronger or joining it for survival/luxury?

Well, look at whatever medium, literature, cinematography, folk stories, religious element, or just history.
mind you when i say stronger i mean more prosperous not literally stronger than Good. They are equal in that regard.
Evil always has the advantage does not matter if it's raw numbers or other sort of potency, if it does not
than that is because it has recently been beaten back and is now going to work on growing and expanding again.
I don't know, is it such a controversial opinion?
it's simple for evil to fester....it's evil. the easy way,
Why have we never heard anyone say it's so easy to be good?

as for the second part, it's a no brainer too if you just join whichever side is winning does not
necessarily place you on the same terms with them, you're bottom of the barrel in that scenario,
You don't think all it takes is to join the regime and it's all honey and roses?

I really don't think we need to delve into the nature of morality or what is true good/evil
or the face of God on this one. OP is asking why fight, and i say - because it's who you are. Xenophon says survival, which is fine too.
I suspect they are disapointed or depressed with their situation and im hoping to be the howl from afar
Urging them to stay the course.
That one guy who was pictured not saluting Hitler,
that other guy standing in front of a tank in REDACTED China, what would they say?
Hell, ask the evil guys too they will say the same.
To thine own self be true and you will be fulfilled, regardless of how the battle ends.
Go sellout and live a pitiful existence ashamed of yourself? We ain't going down like that.

nothing else about my claim matters enough to be put under a microscope.


Aug 31, 2021
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OP is asking why fight, and i say - because it's who you are.
Commentary from positive aliens often is that Earth humans are very willing to fight.

This may be a negative in some situations, but in terms of the wars in the heavens, it is generally a positive - or it will be once Earth humans agree to get on with each other

One small sign is that some 32 nations have signed the Artemis Accords to play nicely in "deep space" where much of the wars in the heavens occurs

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These are the signatories - and Russia is cooperating while China only wants the alien tech on offer



Oct 20, 2023
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I just received this message from God, and it is to Love even your worst enemy.

Or put it in a box. Then love it.
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I recently found myself in a moral dilemma: why fighting the “dark”, the evil?

Ultimatey? Because it feels so good, and, it's the right thing to do. However, I distinguish very carefully between darkness and evil.

All our struggles are by definition pointless as we cannot ultimately defeat the darkness itself nor the One who “causes” it, and statistically someday they’ll for sure be able to simply overthrow us.

It will never "overthrow" me. I never quit and I am not alone.

"Evil" is already defeated because it defeats itself.

Statistics don't matter in this game, because "evil" is predictable. Outnumbered and surrounded is nothing for a lightning rod.

If this reasoning is not wrong, then what is the point of keeping fighting? Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to just pledge our allegiance to them? Or at least try to find some sort of “compromise”, if that’s even possible…

Yes. There is a compromise, but "evil" will never accept it. It is always and forever consuming, yet it is never satisfied. Instead, I give it an offer it cannot refuse; a honey pot with a very tight lid. Naturally it is opposed to this, but, it loves to oppose. Therefore I have no mercy while it is begging for its freedom.
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Why have we never heard anyone say it's so easy to be good?

It's not easy, but it's well within reach. Doing good is turning away from evil. Stand firm, then pivot. Zecharia is teaching this:

ואמרת אלהם כה אמר יהוה צבאות שובו אלי נאם יהוה צבאות ואשוב אליכם אמר יהוה צבאות׃​
Therefore say to them, Thus says the Lord of hosts; Turn to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will turn to you, said the Lord of hosts."​

But no one is perfect, no one is expected to be perfect. King Solomon is teaching this:

כי שבע יפול צדיק וקם ורשעים יכשלו ברעה׃​
For the righteous falls seven times, and yet rises up again; but the wicked stumble into evil.​

Working as a team, the load is lighter, success is gauranteed. King David is teaching this:

שיר המעלות לדוד הנה מה־טוב ומה־נעים שבת אחים גם־יחד׃​
How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!​
כי שם צוה יהוה את־הברכה חיים עד־העולם׃​
for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life for evermore.​
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Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
I just received this message from God, and it is to Love even your worst enemy.
Siegen oder untergehen.
Post automatically merged:

Commentary from positive aliens often is that Earth humans are very willing to fight.

This may be a negative in some situations, but in terms of the wars in the heavens, it is generally a positive - or it will be once Earth humans agree to get on with each other

One small sign is that some 32 nations have signed the Artemis Accords to play nicely in "deep space" where much of the wars in the heavens occurs

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These are the signatories - and Russia is cooperating while China only wants the alien tech on offer

OK, so "Hypocrisy Goes to Outer Space." Coming soon to theaters near you. Alliances for peace are one heckuva hooptie for military adventuring to tool around in. Look at NATO. Within the next decade or so, it'll probably stretch from The North Sea to the Eastern frontier of Kazakhstan and be pimping WW3 in Asia. The moon? That'll be grounds for war once the right cabal of globalists starts suspecting they're getting less of a cut of the action than they crave. Meantime back in the forum, the mighty magi are joining hands and crooning "We are the World." Gads, kids. You are soooooooo predictable.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Why fight?
Read the Bible. The Goetia are fallen stars/angels, and have one place to go in the ever after which is not terribly pleasant it seems. This world is temporal.

Not moralizing here, just saying the Qlippoth and Goetic are Judeo Christian constructs. Therefore the Bible has some wisdom to be read.


Aug 17, 2023
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That does not seem to be hypocrisy
I meant the signatories to the Artemis Accords. They bleat peace till their agenda hits an obstacle, then it's war. War for "an end to war," "democracy," "human rights," what have you. But war advancing a very specific set of interests all the same.
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Why fight?
Read the Bible. The Goetia are fallen stars/angels, and have one place to go in the ever after which is not terribly pleasant it seems. This world is temporal.

Not moralizing here, just saying the Qlippoth and Goetic are Judeo Christian constructs. Therefore the Bible has some wisdom to be read.
The way I'm used to seeing "construct" used, this means the Qlippoth are conceptual fictions the J-C tradition authored with (arguably) no independent reality. How do you understand the term?