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[Help] Working for transmuting anger?

Someone's asking for help!


Feb 4, 2024
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Lately, my biggest failing has been holding on to and giving into the feeling of anger. Whether it’s the frustration of city living , or the gradual accumulation of my lack of contentment, I need to drop some anger levels.

Seeing so much unfairness really gets me more than anything. I know things will be unfair, but I’m looking to make changes within so I can make changes

I know I should probably begin with meditation and exercise, but I’m looking for something that packs a little more punch in the inner world.

If you have a working that can alleviate or transmute anger(or any emotion) I would so appreciate it. In the meantime, I’ll try to do a little research myself and see if I can contribute.


Aug 17, 2023
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This is simplistic, but I march 10,000 paces (about an hour), chanting a mantra. (The mantra has aught to do with what I see as the purpose of this go round in life.) I might set it to music (e.g., the "Teufelslied" fits the syllables well enough. "Dies Irae," if I'm feeling less assertive.) This strident striding generally resolves itself into a purposive state of mind.

Could I ask which city? There dawn days I well understand how Mohammed Atta could take the turn he did, inspired by present-day unarchitecture. Seriously. Not the least lessons of the wars in the Ukraine and Middle East is that a lot of present day architecture looks as good when rubble as when intact.


Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Don't know if this will work for others...

1.) Center and breath at ease.
2.) Imagine both the room/space your body occupies is also your inner world (mindscape). It helps if eyes are closed if in a safe environment.
3.) Imagine your arm raising up then physically move your arm (if you have mobility) to the same area. Lower your arm.
4.) (Concepts have form/constructs/amphoras structures that float in the subconscious mind, the tips peak to the surface of our conscious inner world.) Imagine the word PEACE has a form either far or close you can't quite perceive, is in this space.
5.) With the arm you used earlier both imagined and actual, imagine and physically raise your arm again to touch PEACE.
6.) Allow yourself, your arm freedom to move with the flow the form seems to make, if it flows at all.
7.) Once you feel ready to do something else, thank the form for spending time with you, take several breaths, center and come back to full awareness.

This can be done with any word that has deep meaning. I often use divine, divine light, love, peace, together, join...


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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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One exercise in Don Webb's book, How to Become a Modern Magus, has the practitioner carry around a blackened/ugly penny for a month:

Carry an ugly pebble or a blackened coin with you. When you get mad about something that’s unimportant—a guy cuts you off in traffic, a commercial interrupts a television program you are watching—imagine your anger going into the ugly rock. Then breathe easier. This is hard to do, but when you succeed, write it down in your journal and give yourself a fun reward. And if you get mad at yourself over something, try to follow the same procedure—that’s even harder. When you pull that off, give yourself a bigger reward (and of course write it down in your journal). Don’t write down any failures with this experiment. Try to see how many angers become trivial enough to pull off this trick. At the end of the month, take the ugly penny or blackened coin to a crossroads and throw it away, muttering:​
Poison for the poisonous, toxin for the toxic.
Do not look where it falls.​
It worked for me.
Sep 9, 2021
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A (from MacRitchie, Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong.)
Smile at the Heart, sound is HAAAWWW.
1. Close eyes.
2. Put tip of tongue comfortable at roof of mouth.
3. Smile, Inhale with nose.
4. Imagine the Heart center.
5. Imagine smiling at the frustrated heart.
6. Recall joy filled Summer memories.
7. With each out breath, exhale red energy through tip of tongue.
8. Do this for 3, 6 or 9 breaths. Open eyes.
9. Gather clean Qi at center of navel.

B (From OAA by Koetting)
1. Close eyes.
2. Breathe through nose.
3. With each inhale, breathe in white pleasant energy.
4. With each out breath, exhale angry black energy.
5. Repeat until calm.
6. Open eyes.
7. Breathe normally.

The Fourfold Breath
1. Exhale and close eyes.
2. For four seconds, slowly inhale.
3. For four seconds hold breath
4. For four seconds, slowly exhale
5. For four seconds, pause breath
6. Repeat until natural
7. Open eyes.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Maybe I am misunderstanding the question, but since anger is such a strong emotion it would be very helpful if it was possible to use its drive for something good.
Transmuting / changing the "color" of the energy to set it to work. There was a thread recently on the use of body fluids where the topic more or less was brought up as well.
When you use orgasm to charge a sigil you want to separate the idea that got you aroused (do not think about it) at the "moment supreme".

With anger or rage you should be able to use that same principle to make positive changes as well. Build up your anger, let it run through you in preparation for your spell / sigil work, and then do not think about what got you into that state but release it into the sigil.
Of course, it is much easier when the goal of the spell is the target of your anger.


Jan 19, 2022
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Maybe I am misunderstanding the question, but since anger is such a strong emotion it would be very helpful if it was possible to use its drive for something good.
Transmuting / changing the "color" of the energy to set it to work. There was a thread recently on the use of body fluids where the topic more or less was brought up as well.
When you use orgasm to charge a sigil you want to separate the idea that got you aroused (do not think about it) at the "moment supreme".

With anger or rage you should be able to use that same principle to make positive changes as well. Build up your anger, let it run through you in preparation for your spell / sigil work, and then do not think about what got you into that state but release it into the sigil.
Of course, it is much easier when the goal of the spell is the target of your anger.

I understand the process you are talking about and it is effective for Magickal attacks and I wish I didn’t know that first hand.

But I believe the OP is asking how to diffuse his anger.

To stop in the moment and find a way to relieve it and calm down to a neutral or peaceful state of mind.

Imo and how others have already suggested that would be breath work and/or meditation.


Sep 1, 2023
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If you have a working that can alleviate or transmute anger(or any emotion)
This will sound woo but it really helps

So: anger gets more intense when it feels it isn't being listened to. It shouts louder to be heard. Obviously you don't want to act on your anger and so you probably tend to dismiss it, "there's no point being angry, there's nothing I can do about the situation right now, shut up and go away". But if I was angry, and you told me I was being ridiculous, shut up and go away, that would not make me less angry. So it's got flaws as a strategy.

There's a process (called "Focusing" with a capital F) that involves being with the emotion but not being inside it. Like you're sitting next to the anger, but you're not identifying as "angry". So when you have 10 or 20 minutes to yourself, sense where you feel the anger in your body, and describe it to yourself ("i feel a hot tightness in my stomach" or "it's like a fuzzy red cloud around my throat" or however it shows up for you)

Then you talk to the anger, to that place in your body, as though it's a separate entity (but it's also a part of yourself, so talk to it nicely). This is the woo part. The attitude is "curiosity and compassion". You say, in your own words, "I'm not going to try and change you or tell you to stop feeling angry, I just want to get to know you"

Some questions to ask it:
Does it have a message for you, something it wants you to know?
What does it see its job as?
How long has it been doing this job? (Maybe since you were little)
Is it protecting you from something?
What is it worried will happen if it stops doing this job?

You don't try and change it, you just validate it, like you were talking to a kid. "No wonder you're getting angry all the time, if you think getting angry protects me from [whatever it said]"

You don't have to change anything. When it knows it can get your attention without shouting, it will be a much milder emotion. Everyone wants to feel heard.

You have to go a bit slow with this - it often seems like there's no response and couldn't be one, you're just taking to your own chest like an idiot, but if you wait, the response does appear. Sometimes when anger feels heard and listened to, it doesn't respond with words, but you feel something physically tighten or relax

If you find out that it's angry for something kind of petty and childish, don't say "that's a stupid, petty thing to feel angry about" because anger doesn't get less angry when you dismiss its concerns. It sort of is like a child: things that aren't a big deal to your whole self can be a big deal to this smaller part of you. Keep focusing on the feeling in your body, where the emotion seems to be living

If you're thinking "this is stupid", you can treat that thinks-its-stupid emotion like like you're treating the anger that isn't the whole you. "Okay, I hear that you think this is stupid, and maybe it is, but would it be okay to step out of the way so we can try it just as an experiment?"

Full process of Focusing is in this book:

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You might as well give it a shot: it's free and quick so no real loss if it doesn't help. But it has helped me, way more than traditional therapy.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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If you have a working that can alleviate or transmute anger
Until I develop the proper tools and mindset for this, the way I do it is to either exercise(as anger is actuall a great fuel and exercise is a healthy way to get rid of it) or listen to heavy metal songs that seem to vibe with the anger I feel.

As if the songs give a body to that anger so it can leave mine.The words doesn't matter, what matters is that the song itself feels angry like tou are.


Jan 26, 2024
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Lately, my biggest failing has been holding on to and giving into the feeling of anger. Whether it’s the frustration of city living , or the gradual accumulation of my lack of contentment, I need to drop some anger levels.

Seeing so much unfairness really gets me more than anything. I know things will be unfair, but I’m looking to make changes within so I can make changes

I know I should probably begin with meditation and exercise, but I’m looking for something that packs a little more punch in the inner world.

If you have a working that can alleviate or transmute anger(or any emotion) I would so appreciate it. In the meantime, I’ll try to do a little research myself and see if I can contribute.

You can turn it into pure Karma and let the anger out conciously at what makes you angry, for example by Vandalism, Arson, Theft and destroy what destroys you

You can turn it into dharma related activities and start lobbying or activism. Work like politics, petitions, ngos etc

You can transmute it into another form of energy, perhaps into creativity in arts or love and devotion for your partner or something else. By letting it flow into you completely and without obstacle and right at the moment it overtakes you, you grab it and bend it into the desired emotion or thought.

Or you could just do nothing about it, keep it inside and shoot yourself up with drugs or alcohol and get irrational angry at others and bitter like so many do.

It's important however to let it out completely and not to let it stay inside you. It's there for a reason and ignoring its wish to be let out will only cause your misfortune.
Sep 9, 2021
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Learn to see both the pillar of Severity and the pillar of Mercy. Find the Middle Pillar of Mildness.
Realize all have their place.
When people do I just things, realize injustice and unfair acts occur ... If they didn't there would be no fairness or justice.
Hurt people hurt people.
I realized this in therapy today. Teen Bloods that caused so much unnecessary strife in my life. On one hand they're teenagers that should have had better parents. On the other hand, maybe they'll learn lessons from being in corrections and being on the gang injunction. Maybe they'll learn to mind their own business.
We cannot always say what is just or fair because there are so many cause and effect chains attached to any single act or uttered word.


Mar 21, 2024
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Learn to see both the pillar of Severity and the pillar of Mercy. Find the Middle Pillar of Mildness.
Realize all have their place.
When people do I just things, realize injustice and unfair acts occur ... If they didn't there would be no fairness or justice.
Hurt people hurt people.
I realized this in therapy today. Teen Bloods that caused so much unnecessary strife in my life. On one hand they're teenagers that should have had better parents. On the other hand, maybe they'll learn lessons from being in corrections and being on the gang injunction. Maybe they'll learn to mind their own business.
We cannot always say what is just or fair because there are so many cause and effect chains attached to any single act or uttered word.
It is indeed true as the Universal Law holds many Truths and methods not known even to this day.

A single act or uttered word can sometimes, if not always influence the course of events and energies.

And also, I think personally that it is easy to fall into the "do this chant (or spell, or whatever ritual) to harm the ones who wronged you",but, in return, it can cause a terrible series of events.

That is why we cannot know what is just or not. What we see as just or not just is just a subjective manner of looking at the subject


Aug 17, 2023
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Learn to see both the pillar of Severity and the pillar of Mercy. Find the Middle Pillar of Mildness.
Realize all have their place.
When people do I just things, realize injustice and unfair acts occur ... If they didn't there would be no fairness or justice.
Hurt people hurt people.
I realized this in therapy today. Teen Bloods that caused so much unnecessary strife in my life. On one hand they're teenagers that should have had better parents. On the other hand, maybe they'll learn lessons from being in corrections and being on the gang injunction. Maybe they'll learn to mind their own business.
We cannot always say what is just or fair because there are so many cause and effect chains attached to any single act or uttered word.
I have been in some nasty places. Fortunately my wise preceptors drummed it into me: never make excuses for what would hurt you. Not "who." What.


Apr 30, 2024
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Lately, my biggest failing has been holding on to and giving into the feeling of anger. Whether it’s the frustration of city living , or the gradual accumulation of my lack of contentment, I need to drop some anger levels.

Seeing so much unfairness really gets me more than anything. I know things will be unfair, but I’m looking to make changes within so I can make changes

I know I should probably begin with meditation and exercise, but I’m looking for something that packs a little more punch in the inner world.

If you have a working that can alleviate or transmute anger(or any emotion) I would so appreciate it. In the meantime, I’ll try to do a little research myself and see if I can contribute.
I wouldn't recommend demons, especially not an intense demon such as Asmodeus to someone who isn't comfortable working with them, but if you're comfortable, anger is something he does happen to help people deal with.

I didn't really get along with Asmodeus, too much Mars energy, kind of like the tower, but the fact that you are experienced in Magick and willing to work on yourself means that if you are comfortable working with demons (which you may not be because you posted it in RHP which I will try better to keep things in their appropriate form).

If not comfortable with demons. I recommended them because they are probably the easiest to work with and frequently respond. In terms of entity work, angels or God's that have war attributes or aspects over the planet Mars.


May 9, 2024
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I'm curious...why are you attracting anger? Would you say that you are an angry person? Do you have unresolved issues that you are holding on to?

If you are experiencing anger, then do the opposite. Do some gratitude, love, and forgiveness affirmations. These will change your mental/emotional state, your energy, and what resonates with you. If you do 30-60 minutes in the morning and 30-60 minutes at bedtime, after a few days, you will notice that things don't bother you as much. As a matter of fact, you will notice your days getting better with less struggles. After a few weeks, you will notice things won't bother you much at all.

Pop on YouTube and there are plenty of videos with affirmations. Try it for 2 weeks, you have nothing to lose.


Apr 30, 2024
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Without talking too much about myself, I'm assuming these tactics will help with internal anger? I'm trying to take a break from the internet, just came to look at this thread for some tactics to use too.
Post automatically merged:

A (from MacRitchie, Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong.)
Smile at the Heart, sound is HAAAWWW.
1. Close eyes.
2. Put tip of tongue comfortable at roof of mouth.
3. Smile, Inhale with nose.
4. Imagine the Heart center.
5. Imagine smiling at the frustrated heart.
6. Recall joy filled Summer memories.
7. With each out breath, exhale red energy through tip of tongue.
8. Do this for 3, 6 or 9 breaths. Open eyes.
9. Gather clean Qi at center of navel.

B (From OAA by Koetting)
1. Close eyes.
2. Breathe through nose.
3. With each inhale, breathe in white pleasant energy.
4. With each out breath, exhale angry black energy.
5. Repeat until calm.
6. Open eyes.
7. Breathe normally.

The Fourfold Breath
1. Exhale and close eyes.
2. For four seconds, slowly inhale.
3. For four seconds hold breath
4. For four seconds, slowly exhale
5. For four seconds, pause breath
6. Repeat until natural
7. Open eyes.
I tried B, this works. Thank you for this.
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