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Completing the Great Work


Aug 29, 2021
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Hmm might be from within the perspective. But when you look from broken fragments it looks a bit different and you can see behind Kether.
If that's true then can you give us any insight like the future of the country or anything about our evolution


Feb 8, 2022
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If that's true then can you give us any insight like the future of the country or anything about our evolution
What would the insight of the future of your country do to you? Don't understand how that is correlated with this. We were created beings with alot of the galaxy looking at us when this happened. We were literally dna engineered from apes. Hardly something that comes with a surprise.


Aug 29, 2021
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What would the insight of the future of your country do to you? Don't understand how that is correlated with this. We were created beings with alot of the galaxy looking at us when this happened. We were literally dna engineered from apes. Hardly something that comes with a surprise.
So you speak directly with God

Something no one does, you went above Atziluth something very few people ever do....and what do you have to share with us...something we pecan read in a kids science text book

im currently reading a book by Robert Monroe, idk how high he got, def not keter, but what he saw and shared is fascinating...alternate universes, he saw life on other planets, he revealed that we might be but a dream in the mind of God...

but you supposedly went higher then him...and have nothing to share...lol, shocking

anyway you’re now blocked, the sheer arrogance of the bs you’ve spewed....just wow


Sep 14, 2021
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That's the thing, Jesus is a character in a story, not a man of flesh bound by the rules of any man of flesh.
There is this realization that all these stories are basically made up to try to explain the unexplainable.
i know for a fact that i dived into the see searching for osiris dick.
There is the Jesus story, but there are even older stories related to it, like the one about Isis and Osirus.
While you are attached to your mortal body, you are not divine, and while your ability to perform magick, and control your body mind and soul will be evelated far beyond a normal human, you are still a human. You have not transcended until you die phyically in this world.
What is death and how do you know when you have died?
this is what the universe is! Its just math, no afterlife! FREE FOR ALL!"
People try to hold unto life when they don't believe in the afterlife but what is life?
Horus was the result of artificial impregnation of the widow Isis,
Again, how does one know when Osirus is "dead?" What is artificial and what is natural?
the completion of the Philosophers Stone. Aren't all of these forms of the Great Work?
How does one know when one has "completed" the Philosopher's Stone? Is it not all just a test?
Sep 9, 2021
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So, assuming someone figures out how to describe the basis for everything that we understand as "real", the very source of TzimTzum, the origin of B'reshit and see the face of Unity, AinSof itself without exploding in gory chunks...

What do you do at that point?
I still side with living a Principle centered life, particularly, love, truth, kindness and compassion. Not anywhere near there but that is the mark of the goal of life for me. Even the worst sinner can turn into a saint on the last minute of his bed.

Everything and nothing is real. You sit on a chair, not knowing if it will hold you or let you merge while it falls apart and implodes onto the floor. That basis and reality os hope and faith, which generally proves to be real. Or you can praise the engineer and carpenter.

If I understand the question correctly, we are merging with the source, the source of all creation.

I assume the body would be left behind at this point, and the spirit merged with the source of creation.
I think we can safely pathwork and meditate/ue guided mediatations or even hypnosis to get past blocks and communicate with the divine. Channelling at some point. Probably invocation and evocation can follow, and then try to live their words. That would seem to me to be completion of the Great Work, merging and conversing with your HGA (and possibly HGD as well), and merging with the no-thing.
Sep 9, 2021
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I guess at this point, perhaps we should, per the OP, as well as our own interpretation of the meaning of completing the Great Work.
There are tons of forces at play at any moment in this universe, for starters. Mostly initiatied by magicians and sorcerers.

There is the concept of the Holy Guardian Angel, as well as the Holy Guardian Ddmon , and it is conjectured the HGD should be met and conversed with first.

There is going back, the path of return, to climb the tree of life to reach Kether and beyond.

There is the physical asceticism view of purging self of all attachment and blemish to be seen as pure now and beyond in the eyes and heart of the source.

I could be wrong, but I think these are views of what it means to complete the Great Work.

For me, I have two views on my completion of the great work:
Pathworking, invoking and evoking the archangels, the Shem angels, and using cabalistic magic to do spiritual alchemy and physical and mental transformation, thus spiritual transformation.

Following a grade system, and encountering and conversing with the HGD and more importantly, the HGA.


Jan 27, 2022
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So, long story short here, and I guess to the title, the thing that set this all off, I solved a famous math problem, and posted the solution far and wide. In fact I may have solved two or three such problems.

I did it on the Saturday between good Friday and Easter, on the same day we bottled Kvasir's Blood.

There will be consequences to this, and these forums will see some of those consequences: I posted the solution with my pseudonym.

And I'm not even done with my actual great work. This is just a tiny piece of it.

People are actually going to WANT to be wizards again, explicitly. They will believe. I'm not sure that's exactly a good thing and I expect some of you lot will have... Well, more work on your shoulders than I had any real right to put there.

For what it's worth I'm sorry. I would say I didn't choose to be a wizard but I did. Oh, the faith of a child can move the universe itself!

Did move the universe.

I'll try to deliver the rest of it before things go entirely pear shaped.

Know I love you all more than you can possibly imagine.


Internet Forum NPC
Apr 17, 2022
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So, assuming someone figures out how to describe the basis for everything that we understand as "real", the very source of TzimTzum, the origin of B'reshit and see the face of Unity, AinSof itself without exploding in gory chunks...

What do you do at that point?
Drink a coke.


Aug 31, 2021
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In the West the Great Work is apparently producing the Philosophers' Stone, with transmuting a lesser metal into gold being the standard test.

Is this yet another case of hidden meanings in Alchemy? Is the Great Work an inner process of transmutation of the human - often resulting in the byproduct of immortality? (There are other reported means of immortality e.g. the water of life)

It seems that the Great Work results in the practitioner no longer belonging to the human kingdom - and therefore taking up new duties

Are the new duties the Great Work?
Sep 9, 2021
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So, assuming someone figures out how to describe the basis for everything that we understand as "real", the very source of TzimTzum, the origin of B'reshit and see the face of Unity, AinSof itself without exploding in gory chunks...

What do you do at that point?
Write a book?
Sep 9, 2021
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If we take it that Jesus is a construct, a thought form, then the question arises: for what is the thought form being used?

If we judge by the Holy Inquisition and the many religious wars, we might deduce that at least one thought form of Jesus contains dark energy - contrary to the brotherhood of man (and woman)

Are there competing thought forms of Jesus?

Perhaps we would be better off with none. Start again from first principles
Roma, you can be a Christian without being pro war. It's sort of part of being a real christian rather that a warrior for power hungry people.
Love for your neighbor and for god. Kindness. Compassion.
No. The world is not pretty and bad stuff happens. That's the nature of evil.


Jan 27, 2022
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In the West the Great Work is apparently producing the Philosophers' Stone, with transmuting a lesser metal into gold being the standard test.

Is this yet another case of hidden meanings in Alchemy? Is the Great Work an inner process of transmutation of the human - often resulting in the byproduct of immortality? (There are other reported means of immortality e.g. the water of life)

It seems that the Great Work results in the practitioner no longer belonging to the human kingdom - and therefore taking up new duties

Are the new duties the Great Work?
So, what I can say is that I do believe it is a metaphor for a human transition.

I am pretty certain I know what makes a Rebis, and it's part of my work, but the issue is that it's not something you can just arbitrarily make or become.

You can't just say "I'm going to slap some stuff together and..."

And moreover you shouldn't try. It's not something you can force; it's only something that can be lived into. It's more a hidden promise and one of the deepest occult blinds that has ever existed. There's a good reason for that.

Also, good news, the internet PROBABLY won't break much, since very little is based on primes anymore
Sep 9, 2021
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What I don't really understand is why so many magicians etc always get hung up on Jesus being "real" or that he "never existed".
If your grandma is dying and believes that her suffering is about to end and she will soon sit at the feet of the Lord in eternal peace - is that a bad thing?
Suppose there was no son of Mary and that it was a fabricated story that has influenced the world for thousands of years. Every construct (organisation / company / religion..) has a figure-head.
Is Mickey Mouse real?
When a small child is filled with joy when it sees a Disney cartoon - is that not real then?
When a scumbag pervert puts on a Mickey costume and rapes kids - is that then to be attributed to Mickey?

Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas (the model for Santa Claus). He is based on a Christian bishop from Turkey. He wears a pope's mitre with the cross and has a friendly helper Zwarte Piet.
We tell children about him, and they believe in him so he is real. Then when they reach a certain age we tell them it's all fake.
So the kids see this bishop, with his cross, and are suddenly told that all they believed about him was a sham.
In my opinion this definitely influences how people think of the church from that moment on.

But does it really matter if? So many witches etc create thoughtforms / servitors to influence the(ir) world. Are these more "real" than Jesus?
Those are really great points.
Take the author of the Harry Potter books, that grew into films, that grew into tow elemental weapons. The author was iirc, homeless and possibly mentally unwell, drawing stories from her experiences. But it is real to children.

I talked with a self professed witch (born one), who discussed childhood imaginary friends with me. They're our guides, yet children see, hear and play with them. Are children mentally unwell?
Post automatically merged:

So, what I can say is that I do believe it is a metaphor for a human transition.

I am pretty certain I know what makes a Rebis, and it's part of my work, but the issue is that it's not something you can just arbitrarily make or become.

You can't just say "I'm going to slap some stuff together and..."

And moreover you shouldn't try. It's not something you can force; it's only something that can be lived into. It's more a hidden promise and one of the deepest occult blinds that has ever existed. There's a good reason for that.

Also, good news, the internet PROBABLY won't break much, since very little is based on primes anymore
These are also great points.
Back to the topic at hand, no, unless youre feral, you need organized, structured magic. Or you could be a pioneer and visionary, those types exist as well.
Whatever approach we take to reach communion and belonging and fellowship with agape love seem to me to be the accomplishment of the Great Work completed. We start by doing agape love and our neighbor as ourself. Thats one thing that people love to equate with dogma or churches, its not. It simply means equality and unity. Albeit with God/Christ/Allah/Brahma


Feb 8, 2022
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The Great Work really is a good concept in itself and is also falling under the category of 'psychological awakening'. The more you work on yourself the more you know about yourself and it is also a positive impact on the world.


Aug 24, 2022
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I think you're either overthinking this or have a fundamental lack of understanding of Alchemy, the tree of life, and approaching divinity.

There is a reason why we don't call it "attaining divninity". We "approach it".
This brings up a great point about emulation of the cherubim through Man's intellect.
We aren't anything, we can't "be" anything (this is a principle taught in the Psybermagick book by Peter J. Carroll)
Pg. 99 "Every Careless use of the words 'am', 'are', 'is', 'was' and 'be' reveals, upon correction, a wealth of ingrained assumptions
and lost information content."

Man IS the intellect (whoops) see how ingrained it is?
Maybe the proper way of saying it would 'be' "Man resides in the intellect" consequently, I think, therefore I think that I think.

Pg. 95 "In an attempt to describe 'being', you can only actually describe doing. The only thing we can observe is 'doing'.
We can't observe our own being, our existence, or essence.

SO, we can ONLY emulate using intellect to approach divinity, The Cherubim Angels specifically, because they are the essence of Intellect.
This is a very important concept talked about in the book "Cellestial Intelligences" by Gregory Kaminski.
It's all about Pico della Mirandola's syncretic philosophy, the first that observed the Christian-Cabbalist link, and was the foundation
for western esotericism. Very great read, I own a beautiful copy by Anathema Publishing.
Apr 18, 2022
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Probably by that time, one would be so wise as to understand reaching that level of knowledge and existence wasn't the point.
I never understand statements like this, it always reads to me like a mindset that was influenced by the vague platitudes of modern media (movies, tv, etc) that convey the stereotypical perception of the "eastern spiritual mindset". As if the mystics of the east weren't practical and didn't care about pragmatism.

How about - "Once someone reaches that level of wisdom they can decide what the point of their own existence is"

I can't see any reason why someone would run a race, reach the finish line, and then turn around and walk right out of the stadium.

It is not only counter to human nature, but it is also counter to the nature of any being with a consciousness to not try and evolve and become more. No being desires to limit their own potential and remain in a lesser form.

Why would a caterpillar waste it's time creating a cocoon and undergoing the arduous transformation process, only to not become a butterfly?

Your life doesn't even reflect what you are describing. If you go to college and spend years getting a degree, you aren't now going to refuse the pay raise and job opportunities that come with that degree. There is not one aspect of your life in which you put effort in to improve yourself and then you willingly forego the end result that benefits you, that is complete and utter nonsense.

From my perspective this mindset is nothing but humans trying to project their own flawed concept of morality onto the universe itself. But morality is nothing but a human social construct, it doesn't actually exist, there is no "good" or "evil", only events and actions, "good" and "evil" merely describes our interpretation of these events and actions.
Sep 9, 2021
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It depends on if the person in question has like me, both fear of success and fear of failure. Oh .. and agape love for the neighbor is only as good as they are open to receive the agape message. Otherwise, its throwing pearls before swine.
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Apr 18, 2022
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It depends on if the person in question has like me, both fear of success and fear of failure. Oh .. and agape love for the neighbor is only as good as they are open to receive the agape message. Otherwise, its throwing pearls before swine.
Why would one fear success?