• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

My Central Content Hub

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I've been producing content for the occult community for a bit now and I finally got my website up and running that hosts all of it.
On there you'll find all of the media content I've written, such as articles, guides, videos, a podcast, etc.
There's also a huge collection of Javascript web apps that are designed to be useful to anyone practicing magick. There's a tool that removes the vowels and duplicates from a statement, a barbarous mantra generator, a tarot reader, all sorts of stuff.
So please, check it out, let me know what you think.

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Feb 15, 2024
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Why don't you post some of your stuff on here before trying to get clicks on your site?
cuz that's where literally all my content is, why reupload something if i can just link a place it's already stored? like damn, i'm not out here begging for traffic, but there's just stuff on there that i can't upload here. like the javascript web apps i made


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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cuz that's where literally all my content is, why reupload something if i can just link a place it's already stored? like damn, i'm not out here begging for traffic, but there's just stuff on there that i can't upload here. like the javascript web apps i made
Do you think you're the only one on here that has his ( / her / its..) own website?
The reason you don't see everybody posting links to their sites is etiquette.

So far your only contribution to the forum has been you saying "hey I'm LGBT now come away from here to my place".


Sep 1, 2023
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cuz that's where literally all my content is, why reupload something if i can just link a place it's already stored? like damn, i'm not out here begging for traffic, but there's just stuff on there that i can't upload here. like the javascript web apps i made
Most forums have rules about not promoting your own off-forum content, especially if you're new. It's sort of like if you walked into a bar and said "Hey everyone, free drinks at my house, let's go!" You might think you're doing something nice, giving out free drinks, but you can imagine the bar owner would be pretty unhappy to see a bunch of customers walking out the door with you

So, you were out of line and you will encounter that reaction everywhere

However I will also be straight with you - this forum has a lot of queerphobic and transphobic people on it, including the mods (as demonstrated by the super-repulsive use of "its" in the comment above mine). I tolerate it because it doesn't come up much (people generally stay pretty on-topic) and there is a lot I can learn from some people here on very specific topics that it's not possible to learn elsewhere because it's a niche area of interest. (And having decided to stay on the forum, I don't argue with people about it, because that wouldn't help my aim of "learning useful things I can't learn anywhere else"). It's not everyone by any means, but it's a lot higher than the general population or other occult forums

My experience has been that if you were to back down from the self-promo and literally just never discuss the existence of LGBT people, you would find that people would be pretty nice to you - they don't really continue to harass people who've stopped doing the thing that annoys them, you do kind of get a fresh slate every new day/thread you join.

I'm being very upfront about what you would have to do to have an easy time on this forum so you can make an informed decision about whether to bail immediately or self-censor - but my advice is to do one or the other, don't stick around just to be harassed


Feb 15, 2024
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Most forums have rules about not promoting your own off-forum content, especially if you're new. It's sort of like if you walked into a bar and said "Hey everyone, free drinks at my house, let's go!" You might think you're doing something nice, giving out free drinks, but you can imagine the bar owner would be pretty unhappy to see a bunch of customers walking out the door with you

So, you were out of line and you will encounter that reaction everywhere

However I will also be straight with you - this forum has a lot of queerphobic and transphobic people on it, including the mods (as demonstrated by the super-repulsive use of "its" in the comment above mine). I tolerate it because it doesn't come up much (people generally stay pretty on-topic) and there is a lot I can learn from some people here on very specific topics that it's not possible to learn elsewhere because it's a niche area of interest. (And having decided to stay on the forum, I don't argue with people about it, because that wouldn't help my aim of "learning useful things I can't learn anywhere else"). It's not everyone by any means, but it's a lot higher than the general population or other occult forums

My experience has been that if you were to back down from the self-promo and literally just never discuss the existence of LGBT people, you would find that people would be pretty nice to you - they don't really continue to harass people who've stopped doing the thing that annoys them, you do kind of get a fresh slate every new day/thread you join.

I'm being very upfront about what you would have to do to have an easy time on this forum so you can make an informed decision about whether to bail immediately or self-censor - but my advice is to do one or the other, don't stick around just to be harassed
Well shit, thanks for the heads up, I expect that shit from the occasional person but a whole forum is pretty surprising in 2024. Like we're practicing god damn magick, that shit's supposed to open up your mind and expand your consciousness, it's surprising to see such close mindedness in a culture that is typically more accepting considering wizards live on the fringe of society as it is.
But yeah, I'm gonna bail. Like calling someone an "it" is just despicable, literally dehumanizing an individual to a literal object. Not gonna be involved with people whose values don't align with my own, just not gonna be comfortable where the slightest mention of an old boyfriend (I'm not trans, a gay male) is gonna open up channels for harassment. Like damn, witches and queers were burned at the stake together, why keep pushing an agenda that's just as against both communities.
But yeah, rant over.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Please get over yourselves. I am not phobic of anything, and anyone with some common sense can see that I said "it" as a joke. To me it makes as much sense to refer to one person as a thing (it) as referring to one person as being multiple persons (they).

I don't care about people's sexual preference, gender, pronouns or whatever.


Feb 15, 2024
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Please get over yourselves. I am not phobic of anything, and anyone with some common sense can see that I said "it" as a joke.
I don't care about people's sexual preference, gender, pronouns or whatever.
i thought jokes were supposed to be funny? like the whole comment was shitty from top to bottom.
and like, i don't wanna be constantly having to talk about and defend myself over an integral part of my identity. you think i like complaining and ranting about this stuff? i'm here to talk about magick, not who i'm attracted to. I made one little statement about it and now it's being dragged over into other threads? like come on.
and it was just to say the content i submitted was unacceptable. a website that has tons of original content and useful tools you can't find anywhere else and literally can't be posted cuz I can't exactly upload a javascript program to the site. . i dont' profit off it, there's no ads, it's always free, i don't even track the number of hits it gets. like it was just a dig at me and my identity was a major factor in your shitty attitude. bringing it up wasn't even on topic in any way so it's obviously bothering you in some way.
i get not spamming with self promotion constantly, but it's one thread that's on topic with content unable to be uploaded. i don't think i'm the one who needs to get over themselves.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Your intro mentions that your are LGBT, in the Secret Society thread you mentioning being gay. Those are your contributions to the forum beside this thread where you promote your own site.
Therefore I said you should first contribute something to the forum before trying to promote yourself.


Feb 15, 2024
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Your intro mentions that your are LGBT, in the Secret Society thread you mentioning being gay. Those are your contributions to the forum beside this thread where you promote your own site.
Therefore I said you should first contribute something to the forum before trying to promote yourself.
who cares if my intro says I'm LGBT? it also says i'm bipolar and neurodivergent and that i like technomancy and have a knack for divination? didn't seem too interested in those things though, which is a blatantly huge red flag that me saying "G of the LGBT" triggers you so badly. Sorry not sorry you hyperfocused on 4 words in my intro and couldn't help yourself.


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Sep 27, 2021
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You are (deliberately) missing the point and trying to paint me out as the bad guy (or girl / or they 🤣).

You should contribute something beside your identity.


Feb 15, 2024
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You are (deliberately) missing the point and trying to paint me out as the bad guy (or girl / or they 🤣).

You should contribute something beside your identity.
which i have. have you seen other comments i've made? i've not made many, but it's been 2 days. I'm not missing any point, it's tactless to post a personal website right away, like i get it dude. if you actually took the time to look at it you might even see it's got good info and tools that would be useful to many occultists.
You're (deliberately) missing the point that jokes are supposed to be funny.
to bring up the topic unprompted to make a personal insult when it's way off topic is (deliberately) forcing me to talk about it more, even though you claim that's antithetical to what you want. you're the one who brought it up, bro, not me.


Aug 18, 2022
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who cares if my intro says I'm LGBT? it also says i'm bipolar and neurodivergent
Apparently YOU do. For someone who claims to not care about the “whats” of a person, you lead with all of yours. The fact that you like technomancy, etc. is cool. That’s relevant to the site and tells us a bit about “who” you are. Ironically, we don’t care about your “whats”.


Feb 15, 2024
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Apparently YOU do. For someone who claims to not care about the “whats” of a person, you lead with all of yours. The fact that you like technomancy, etc. is cool. That’s relevant to the site and tells us a bit about “who” you are. Ironically, we don’t care about your “whats”.
it's just how you introduce yourself online. go to any profile on twitter, facebook, instagram, anyone of them you'll see the same stuff. it's called a bio, a short introduction into who you are, and those things are who i am. one thread, one comment about it, this is the result. it's weird af. go look at a rando's instagram bio and tell me they don't have something similar. it'd be no different than if were to post my astrological signs or my eye color. how tf else do you introduce yourself?


Feb 15, 2024
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Maybe you should read through all of the other intro posts and find out.
this is my last response to this ridiculous conversation blowing up 4 words in my introduction. like it's blatant bigotry at this point to get up in arms over 4 words in an intro that includes a lot more than just that. like i won't be silenced, i did nothing wrong. 4 words. 4 little words got made into this big of a deal. i'm not the one in the wrong here.


Sep 1, 2023
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. like it's blatant bigotry at this point to get up in arms over 4 words in an intro that includes a lot more than just that. like i won't be silenced, i did nothing wrong. 4 words. 4 little words got made into this big of a deal. i'm not the one in the wrong here.

So you're absolutely not in the wrong, but you're not going to convince these people of that, they genuinely don't notice how much more triggered they are by mentions of sexuality/gender-fluidity than mentions of other identity stuff. (I've said "as a woman" and "as an Australian" multiple times on this forum, and not got a hostile response for it, for example.)

But this is basically what I was talking about, your options are 1. Censor yourself, 2. Leave, 3. Stay and argue with random bigots? Which was why my advice was to choose between 1 and 2, cause... 3 seems like a bad time for no reason?

Don't let it turn you off the occult in general - this is a pretty small forum (I mean, unsurprisingly - they shoot themselves in the foot with this stuff. A tonne of potential users who are interested in the content leave because of the attitudes. It's usually much more dogwhistling than how they've reacted to you, to be fair, but you still pick up on it pretty quickly if you spend any time here).

If you want to get the bad taste out of your mouth, this book is great:

Post automatically merged:

(you're still wrong about the self-promo stuff sorry. seriously every forum hates that, that's not a weird quirk of this place - twitter and facebook do the same thing. If you post a link to your website to twitter or any other social media platform, you'll notice it gets hardly any Likes. That's because the algorithm punishes external URLs. Twitter doesn't want its users leaving twitter, so it de-ranks offsite links. It's exactly the same principle, except twitter doesn't tell you they do it, so you're just like "why is no one interested in my longform writing?" and don't realise it's cause the post has been suppressed by the algorithm. Forums don't have sophisticated algorithms, so instead you get a mod saying "don't do that".

This is why everyone has newsletters and podcasts now - because it's almost impossible to promote your blog/website anywhere online anymore, forums don't like it, social media suppresses it, etc etc. A newsletter becomes the only way to make sure your writing actually makes it to readers. (Seriously, start a newsletter if you want people to see your writing). The successful content hubs you see (eg Gordon White) were all started many years ago, before the situation was so bad, so they have a pre-existing audience, and they are often supported by a podcast or newsletter to bring in new readers. (At least you can say you got some free marketing advice out of your bad experience here)
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