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People who do spells for others for money


Dec 30, 2021
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I'm not looking at it from a standpoint of calling to without. What I do know is that these things are things sacrifice can accomplish, and I see exactly a real mechanism that the ritual is most certainly going to invoke.

I'm not going to claim there is more to a causal adjacency without proof because frankly, to do so is not useful and a quick way to having a very hard time out there in the world.

I came into everything around this from a more secular direction.

If such things are out there, though, I'm not going to be sacrificing to them either way.

When there's work that stands to be done I'm going to do it myself.
Its interesting in that there is no free in magic it is always something for something, sacrifice is the deal done and the demand asked for the 'magic', even Jesus healed only if there was faith, although he loves freely there is the demand for faith for the 'magic'.


May 22, 2022
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Why would I need a school? I learn from experience.

Its interesting in that there is no free in magic it is always something for something, sacrifice is the deal done and the demand asked for the 'magic', even Jesus healed only if there was faith, although he loves freely there is the demand for faith for the 'magic'.
I never took anything. To my surprise I often got anonymous presents. No way to stop that.


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: People who do spells for others for money
SUBTOPIC: Magic and its uses.
※→ et al,
The use of the power and force beyond that which is generally considered ubiquitously in the tradition of the God of Abraham is difficult to describe and explain. This power and force is the fluid, left behind by the Supreme Being, that takes the shape of the universe. The success in the use of these powers and forces rests within the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the practitioner to establish and maintain a positive connection with these various powers and forces beyond their explanation.

I have never had the experience of actually feeling the flow of the
power and the force of the Supreme Being. But I have interviewed
practitioners (Magus, Priest, Acolities, and believers of strength)
who have had this experience. And when they talk about the
experience, they change, their eyes almost sparkle and for just
a moment, the immediate environment becomes charged with
a calm I very much enjoyed.

When you experience the actual push by the powers and
forces of the universe, there will be no question in your mind.
------------------------------ R

Magic existed well before humanity and in the beginning, man attempted to harness the control of wealth, the turn of the environment, prosperity, survival and salvation, and destiny, by appealing to higher powers for help. Anthropologists define magic as having three functions and three elements. The three functions are:

• to produce​
• to protect​
• to destroy​

The three elements are:

• spells and incantations​
• rites or procedures​
• altered states of consciousness accomplished through fasting, meditating, chanting, visualizing symbols, sleep deprivation, dancing, staring into flames, inhaling fumes, taking drugs, and so forth.​

Western Alchemy and Esoteric Orders → is a quest for perfection → and is based on Hermetic philosophy, that cosmic forces govern all things in creation and that the material world → the microcosm → reflects the heavenly world or the macrocosm.

Prayer → in a broad sense is raising the mind to God. In its broadest sense prayer is speaking with Supreme Being, ‘‘Prayer considered in its essence, is a conversation and union between Supreme Being and man.

Most Respectfully,


Aug 31, 2021
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feeling the flow of the power

Many years ago, living in a spiritual community, I took over the role of managing the Friday night gatherings that had been getting pretty awful.

As I organized events I felt like I was standing in a strong breeze. If I extended my arms it would carry me along.

I decided various events that I wanted but did not tell anyone. At lunch appropriate people came up to me and volunteered to do what I had secretly planned.

Partway through the program I needed to change the auditorium energy from personal to spiritual so I decided that I wanted particular Bach violin partitas performed to cleanse the air. Of course I told no one. So at lunch a visitor came up and wanted to play those very pieces and he turned out to be excellent and changed the atmosphere to provide the basis for the next stage of the night.

The next day, the opera singer with whom I shared the house told me that those partitas were the most difficult violin pieces in the Western repertoire. Searching now: "One of the most famous performers of the Sonatas and Partitas was the violinist and composer
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, who considered this work as "The Himalayas of violinists"

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So the flow of power is great, but does not come often to me.


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: People who do spells for others for money
SUBTOPIC: Magic and its uses.
※→ et al,

A vast majority of the Earth's population (99.999%) (five-nines) will have the chance to know or touch the power and force beyond man's understanding of the universe

Roma said:
As I organized events I felt like I was standing in a strong breeze. If I extended my arms it would carry me along.


While the format of the circumstances of the experiences may vary to a great degree → the universe will present that which it recognizes as the necessary scope and nature of the assistance, → that is the most appropriate.

Every now and then, the Supreme Being creates a small physical object that assists the owner in collecting and focusing power and force beyond man's understanding of the universe. It is called a "talisman."

Every now and then, those bestowed with the right power can create a small physical object → protective power against bad luck, accidents, illnesses, supernatural attack, and other misfortunes. It is called an "amulet." Those that have been bestowed with the right power can create inscriptions, drawings, or simple patterns and symbols that have been embedded with protective powers.

Contrary to what most people believe, the presence of a supernatural entity is NOT a hostile sign; but the exact opposite. Supernatural entities derive their force and power from the universe. The Supreme Being is the creator of all and can destroyer of all. It cannot be challenged by anything. These entities and apparitions are sent on missions of the Supreme. While these entities might scare mortals during their visitations and conjuring responses, it is weak-willed. I have never actually heard a first-person account of a physical attack that has been substantiated.


I have gained an opinion that not everyone, not just anyone, has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to focus the power and the force beyond man's understanding of the universe. The access to focus the power and the force is not dependent on the membership of a specific coven, church, or religion.

There are lines of physical investigation and research to pursue.

Most Respectfully,


May 22, 2022
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> The access to focus the power and the force is not dependent on the membership of a specific coven, church, or religion.

At this point the statement should follow that the only place to be really secure from God is a church.