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Powerful Curse Since Early Childhood

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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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There is a dark entity on your back.
That is so sexy!

When I found this website I was happy because I thought I may be able to get some great knowledge and maybe help if others were open to help me.
Tough it out, yo. This is a good site if you rid yourself of expectations. But that could be true of life in general.
Sep 9, 2021
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Greetings all,

Ever since I was born I have suffered a life of trauma after trauma.

I know for a fact that a curse was placed on me at a very young age.

My mother was a witch, and my fathers side had witches blood from my grandmothers ancestors. I was separated from my mother and put in foster care at a very young age. My entire life has been full of disasters and suffering.

The first demon entity visited me when I was just a child of 7 years. He who wears the fedora hat and long coat. He was just watching me, filling my heart with fear. Shortly after this I nearly drowned to death in a swimming pool and was saved by life guards. Years later I also nearly drowned in the Sea because a voice in my head told me to go in the water when there was a storm.

There are many, many, more supernatural occurrences that I have experienced since a child, including things like hits being put on me, things being thrown at me while I sleep in bed. I don't want to share everything here publicly, but if anyone thinks they that they can help me, I am willing to explain to them many of the supernatural experiences that I have had.

Thank you for reading this and a wonderful blessed day to all.
Look into Derek Prince on Curses and Generational Curses. He's easy to find on YouTube.


Jun 7, 2023
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Thanks for the reply Roma!

I have been doing a lot more love mediation lately, but feel like I may require some kind off spell to cast this demon out of my life.

I am not a bad person and I only have good intentions. I will not follow the dark path of evil of those who control this world. I am here to help humanity heal and evolve.

Love is the key to all.
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Look into Derek Prince on Curses and Generational Curses. He's easy to find on YouTube.
Cheers Diluculo,

I will have a look now.

Much appreciated!!


Jun 12, 2023
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You don't seem to understand because your perception is limited.

Do you have any understanding and knowledge of Freemasonry? Do you know the actual bloodline of Freemasonry? Do you know what knowledge is given to those who reach the 33rd degree Masonry?

When a Mason is granted 33rd degree (the real 33rd degree) they are given the knowledge of magick and how to wield it's power.

Do you know the meaning of 33? Do you know what is symbolises?

Do you know what the Freemasons symbol of the compos and ruler symbolises?

Do you have knowledge of the pentagram and what it symbolises?

The elite rulers have had the knowledge of magick far longer than one can imagine - take a look at the provided image. That specific buckle is only granted to those who reach the REAL 33rd degree.

The masonic degrees go beyond 33 degrees. 33 is only what the average noob is given to know. Yes, the elites do use magic. But not for our benefit. I despise the royal family and the bloodline of elites. Magic is like fire. It can be used to heat and cook your food or it can be used to kill you. The issue is not the magic, but who is weilding it. I truly hope you are not standing up for the elite bloodlines, because they are parasitic monsters. Forgive me if I misunderstood you.


Apr 28, 2021
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The masonic degrees go beyond 33 degrees. 33 is only what the average noob is given to know. Yes, the elites do use magic. But not for our benefit. I despise the royal family and the bloodline of elites. Magic is like fire. It can be used to heat and cook your food or it can be used to kill you. The issue is not the magic, but who is weilding it. I truly hope you are not standing up for the elite bloodlines, because they are parasitic monsters. Forgive me if I misunderstood you.

no, no but he’s part of the special witcher weeb bloodline he’s the chosen one with the secrets of the universe.


Jun 7, 2023
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The masonic degrees go beyond 33 degrees. 33 is only what the average noob is given to know. Yes, the elites do use magic. But not for our benefit. I despise the royal family and the bloodline of elites. Magic is like fire. It can be used to heat and cook your food or it can be used to kill you. The issue is not the magic, but who is weilding it. I truly hope you are not standing up for the elite bloodlines, because they are parasitic monsters. Forgive me if I misunderstood you.
Thank you for that information! I was unaware that the degree surpassed 33. From my personal understanding, I thought that the 33 degree freemasonry limit was linked to the parallel 33 - I'll provide a link for you here about parallel 33 and how it and the number 33 is linked to nuclear explosions and other anomalies -
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I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, but please understand that I walk in the path of love and equality for humanity. I can relate to all who suffer in life and I wish to do all that I can to bring them happiness. People who are around me laugh at me because I tell them that I want to save humanity from suffering and bring harmony - I clearly know this cannot be done alone, but with a hive mind - we surly can raise the frequency of the collective. There was an interesting study done in Merseyside UK back in 1978 the results were known as the "Maharishi Effect". When the group of 7000 meditated throughout 3 weeks the results were great! Their collective calm balanced peaceful minds dropped crime rates and other positive outcomes such as casualties. They want to see if we can change the cycle which is a story which can be rewritten by us the one mind - conscious collective. Although I oppose the evil and those who bring suffering to this world, through pondering and meditation on and off but continually for 10 years, I have come to understand that the only way to rid the evil of this world is to raise the frequency and collective consciousness of humanity, because the Tao (the source of all creation) will keep giving birth to evil until balance is brought to earth which in turn would bring true harmony - it's like the war on drugs, it's a war that can never be won. Please ponder this because at one point in life I gained the mindset of a revolutionary who wanted to stand and fight for the freedom of suffering of humanity. I awoke to political corruption years before my spiritual awakening in the summer of 2013 - felt the suffering of families being blowing to pieces, pictures of homes blown to pieces by US and western back bombs continually since 1945 after they nuked Japan vaporising whole families - in Hiroshima there are imprints on solid stone walls and the ground of the shadows of those who suffered to the hand of empire and imperialism - I was willing to stand and fight at the front line if a revolution ever begun - for the innocents in over 45 countries since the end of WW2. I'm going on a bit so I'll get back to the center point - After spiritually awakening and pondering how to contribute to helping humanity through a hive mind that thinks alike it came to me after years of pondering research and person experiences from meditative states - I realised, when all these masters, wise men and sages were talking about the center point, balance, non duality and and flowing like a great river which always returns to the original source the sea. I understood that the only way to rid the world of this sinister evil is to transmute the collective consciousness and frequency of humanity. Just curios as to see what your opinion is on this chapter from the Tao Te Ching - this particular chapter took me years and years of pondering to fully comprehend - I Just could not understand how I can welcome the people who hurt me as a child and thought life, but after years of pondering that spark light the bulb in my consciousness and I understood it. Read the first paragraph and it will stir up confusion and maybe even anger, read the second and it explains further, read the finishing line and it's message is complete. You also have to read the Tao Te Ching for all the pieces to be put together and bring understand of the source. Here is the chapter and I feel it's message is a representation of what I was trying to explain about the balance between the dualities - the divine source and how this balance will shift the collective consciousness of humanity therefore raising the overall frequency. Please provide me if you would like with your honest opinion because there is nothing I enjoy than learning.

The way of the source is known as the middle path in Buddhism and the Tao or center in Taoism. It's also referred to in other spiritual wisdom and philosophies. Please don't think I'm trying to push religion on you because I am not religious as I am fully aware of the elite who took the true knowledge of spirituality and twisted it up in order to fulfil their control and world dominance through imperialism and a death economy as Jhon Perkins calls it. It's all about realising that we are all truly ONE - a spark of the divine source experiencing it's self subjectively throughout the whole of nature if various forms of matter which we know thorough the study of subatomic particles that the third dimension is a illusion of the 5 senses. By the way through pondering - my personal opinion of what the true meaning of the 5 points of the pentagram actually stand for the 5 senses and the space at the centre of the pentagram is the Tao - breathing out the 5 points "senses" from the center. This harmony and balance on earth can only be achieved the oneness with the center. Imagine a state of peace on earth where everything just flowed like a river into the great Sea -

"The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home — before your birth, and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world, our breath burns in the shadow of the deep. The sea gives, and the sea takes. Water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light.".

The Tao doesn't take sides;
it gives birth to both good and evil.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she welcomes both saints and sinners.

The Tao is like a bellows:
it is empty yet infinitely capable.
The more you use it, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you understand.

Hold on to the center." - Lao Tzu

It's difficult to remain balanced which means just totally present and in a state of pure awareness observing the dualities of creation (because we are conditioned since birth) and showing others the way to awaken them to the center thus bringing harmony upon earth - I found this interesting too, the hearth and the hearts energy field chakra is the center of the 7 chakras, and science has proven through measurement that the hearts energy field - the center has a much greater energy field than the brain, so this is also something to ponder - which could mean that love is actually the nature of all creation - pure limitless love could be the true message of what Lao Tzu is trying to explain that what the nature of the source is, but it does confuse me because love is a duality of hate and Lao Tzu keep reiterating that the center of dualities is the way and mother of creation, but he also reiterates that our limited minds within the experience of the 5 senses is unfathomable to the nature of the experience of the mind within the illusion of the matrix of matter. I think Lao Tzu may be trying to tell us that love is the true answer but it only giving droplets of water thought the book which in tern when pondered which has taken me a decade and I still ponder because it feeds the imagination - maybe love is the full glass - this is for you to ponder and come to your own conclusion.

To sum this up I'm basically saying that fellow human - I stand and fight for you, with you for humanity - for the eradication of suffering on earth and to bring upon a GOLDEN AGE of humanity. It's just a different type of fight that requires a different type of revolution and not lives. I'm still a revolutionary in my heart of hearts.

Thanks for reading all!

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Aug 31, 2021
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unaware that the degree surpassed 33

That is only in some forms of Masonry. Generally Masonry has been a failure after 1717 and after the mid 1980s the Light from on High was progressively withdrawn from the ritual.

the center point, balance, non duality and and flowing like a great river which always returns to the original source the sea.

That is all well and good, but some that are pushed into Earth humanity have additional functions including conscious anchoring of galactic Intent.

it gives birth to both good and evil

The human concept of good and evil is rather localised. Better to consider the cyclical flows of yin and yang and their harmonics

5 points of the pentagram actually stand for the 5 senses

What of the sense of justice, sense of humor, sense of direction and the smell of corruption?

The standard human contains a thread of Beingness - before and after Existence. As the human activates that thread, it expands into its spiritual authority.

Of course I could be wrong


Jun 7, 2023
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That is only in some forms of Masonry. Generally Masonry has been a failure after 1717 and after the mid 1980s the Light from on High was progressively withdrawn from the ritual.

That is all well and good, but some that are pushed into Earth humanity have additional functions including conscious anchoring of galactic Intent.

The human concept of good and evil is rather localised. Better to consider the cyclical flows of yin and yang and their harmonics

What of the sense of justice, sense of humor, sense of direction and the smell of corruption?

The standard human contains a thread of Beingness - before and after Existence. As the human activates that thread, it expands into its spiritual authority.

Of course I could be wrong
"That is only in some forms of Masonry. Generally Masonry has been a failure after 1717 and after the mid 1980s the Light from on High was progressively withdrawn from the ritual."

Can you please explain any further, if possible? I read that the "Light" is held by Lucifer - the devil. If we have beat the devil then why is he still destroying lives on earth? I am always open to learn and appreciate when knowledge is passed on. Also from my understanding Lucifer is an evil E.T that has multidimensional capabilities who seeded us here and thinks he create mass suffering for us because he thinks he is our God. Here is a quote from Akala's song the thieves banquet which can be backed up by so many cases of historical knowledge. If you would like the full understanding then listen to the song or just pull up the lyrics. The part I have quoted relates to this -

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" - Akala, The Thieves Banquet

"conscious anchoring of galactic Intent."

From my understanding, we are all descendent of galactic DNA. It appears that some peoples DNA and genes are evolving, have more or are being upgraded. Have you noticed that some people are beginning to awaken and others just cannot - no matter how much information you provide them and even if you back it up with sciences studies and results. There is something happening to some peoples DNA and genes. There is a great conference talk with Robert Dean on youtube that explains my statement called -

"Robert Dean - ‘AN ASSESSMENT’ - The Most Significant UFO Study EVER Conducted... FULL STORY"​

The source gives birth to dualities thus good and evil will persist to exist until we learn how to be balanced within the Tao. Picture that you're walking through a forest and you come across a rose, and then the deadly nightshade plant. You then take a seat and relax up against a tree - a butterfly lands on your arm, but then an ant crawls up your leg and stings you. When the great minds spoke about looking into nature to understand our nature - which is nature as a whole, they were not using empty phrases. The Tao, divine source, conscious universe, whatever you call it - it givers birth to dualities. We are not superior to nature but we are the only species so far to be able to literally understand the dualities and remain cantered within the Tao, thus brining true harmony to the human species. That is the only way to rid of the foul smell of corruption and mass suffering - the dualities will keep manifesting until we evolve to our true nature of oneness with the cosmos. One duality against the other has not worked for the past several hundred thousand years - sometimes a different tool is required to actually complete the work. Just look throughout history, evil has always persisted and will until we change, which would cause a global collective change and a revolution of consciousness.

I am not the enemy, I want peace and equality for all just as you do, but I have been in the revolutionary mindset of wanting to destroy the evil through force, but then I actually understood the nature of the dualities that revealed to me that balance is the key to harmony and peace. There has been many successful bloody revolutions where they shouted "off with the heads of the evil leaders," but just take a look - the same issues either remain or get reborn at some stage. Only fools keep repeating the same thing over and over, its time to learn that for change - we must change our level of thinking or consciousness - which would change the collective conscious as the meditation study proved in my previous comment. There is more than one way to transmute.


Aug 31, 2021
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the Light from on High was progressively withdrawn from the ritual." Can you please explain any further, if possible? I read that the "Light" is held by Lucifer -

The meaning of Lucifer is light-bearer.

There were two rulers of Sumer. The senior was/is Enlil known as the Prince of Darkness. His half brother Enki is known as the Prince of Peace.

Enlil is a sociopath and wanted the humans drowned in the coming flood as they were too noisy.

Enki who had bred the humans by crossing the genetics of a humanoid with those of the alien "gods" rather liked his creation and instructed a suitable human about how to build an ark.

Abraham was from Sumer and the Sumerian account was modified to suit the objectives of the Jewish religion

Currently the greatest of the Sumerian gods is Anu. As the Sumerian gods continue to grow as they age, the most senior (oldest) god is the tallest - the Most High of the Bible

The Light from on High is quite different and comes from various sources including the Entity that uses this galaxy as Its body of incarnation

Sometimes in the Masonic temple the vertical flow of Light would cause the candidate to break out into a sweat while all around were cold. But it is more than a decade since I have seen that.

The flow of Light from the East is more usually a planetary Light

Modern Christianity requires priests to have authority over the faithful. Its teachings are based on that.

Long ago I stayed in a rather old abbey. I used their library and there was a sermon apparently recorded from an 8th century saint. That saint referred to Jesus as a prophet rather that the Son of God. Religions adapt as required


Jun 7, 2023
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The meaning of Lucifer is light-bearer.

There were two rulers of Sumer. The senior was/is Enlil known as the Prince of Darkness. His half brother Enki is known as the Prince of Peace.

Enlil is a sociopath and wanted the humans drowned in the coming flood as they were too noisy.

Enki who had bred the humans by crossing the genetics of a humanoid with those of the alien "gods" rather liked his creation and instructed a suitable human about how to build an ark.

Abraham was from Sumer and the Sumerian account was modified to suit the objectives of the Jewish religion

Currently the greatest of the Sumerian gods is Anu. As the Sumerian gods continue to grow as they age, the most senior (oldest) god is the tallest - the Most High of the Bible

The Light from on High is quite different and comes from various sources including the Entity that uses this galaxy as Its body of incarnation

Sometimes in the Masonic temple the vertical flow of Light would cause the candidate to break out into a sweat while all around were cold. But it is more than a decade since I have seen that.

The flow of Light from the East is more usually a planetary Light

Modern Christianity requires priests to have authority over the faithful. Its teachings are based on that.

Long ago I stayed in a rather old abbey. I used their library and there was a sermon apparently recorded from an 8th century saint. That saint referred to Jesus as a prophet rather that the Son of God. Religions adapt as required
Yes, I have also heard that is what it stands for.

I have also heard and read the stories of the Sumerians. I have a theory that the last cycle that wiped us out that was by Enlil was a systematic nuclear war on a global scale that caused the ice caps to melt which caused the sea levels to rise and cover the earth with water and when land appeared again - they reseeded us to begin the cycle again - because a global nuclear standoff would cause such a catastrophic event.

I was not aware that you are a Mason.

I just don't want people to feel the suffering that I experienced as a child and throughout life. I will not cause suffering to people - personal experiences have shown me exactly how if feels, and others suffering mirrors mine.

If you are a Mason and do hold the knowledge, why do dualities exist and why when be balance something there is harmony - like the water in the bath? We adjust it so it's in balance. Who do weeds grow and people pluck them from the ground while watering their Orchid? Why does the source keep giving birth to the weed after its been plucked?

You mentioned the smell of corruption? Why did Albert Pike write about a third world war and he was a High Mason? Are you're intentions to wipe us out again? All them innocent mothers, children and fathers, entire families and everything we know and love! I am here to heal the earth not extend the suffering, that made me suffer.


Aug 31, 2021
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If you are a Mason and do hold the knowledge, why do dualities exist

Most Masonry is rather empty these days.

Dualities naturally occur from the outbreath from The Source of All (to dark separation) and the simultaneous inbreath (to light unity)

The Source of All manifests Existence in order to experience Its own nature more fully. When TSoA has had enough experience Existence is withdrawn for the Mahapralaya. Each new manifestation of Existence (set of universes) seems to support a new phase/quality of experience.

Are you're intentions to wipe us out again?

Do try to deal with reality rather than the beliefs imposed by the oppressors.


Jun 7, 2023
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Most Masonry is rather empty these days.

Dualities naturally occur from the outbreath from The Source of All (to dark separation) and the simultaneous inbreath (to light unity)

The Source of All manifests Existence in order to experience Its own nature more fully. When TSoA has had enough experience Existence is withdrawn for the Mahapralaya. Each new manifestation of Existence (set of universes) seems to support a new phase/quality of experience.

Do try to deal with reality rather than the beliefs imposed by the oppressors.
If the Masons are doing good for humanity then I have nothing to oppose. What I do oppose is the brutal supremacy of the few over the many - the empire that bombs countries back into the Stone Age and the evil that the empire breeds.

So I have parts of the Tao Te Ching correct but I must be mistaken by the chapter I mentioned? I just assumed that balance between the dualities was the way for sustained peace on earth. I am just trying to find out which method is correct for me to contribute to helping humanity. If I was wrong about that chapter, then I am open to say that I was wrong because then I have the opportunity to learn more. I am willing to fight on the front line then to bring freedom and equality.

I am aware of the oppressors and how they use all forms of media and books to slander, but I just assumed from my understanding that Masons were evil. If I was incorrect and assumed then I’m sorry. If you are helping to heal and bring unity then could you in any way bring the group back to it’s full potential because this world really does desperately need help.
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I started to watch a video on youtube called Origins of the Freemasons.

I feel bad now for being ignorant and asking if you were evil. You all have beautiful hearts, and your way of life is my dream of utopia! Is there any possible way that I could please message you please?

I want to make this world a better place for all nations and races - one brotherhood, where people are united as one but follow their own journey of peace and love.

I feel so excited because it feels like something I have been longing for my whole life has come to me. All I want in life is a loving family that lives in peace and helps those around them to evolve. Masonry is one big loving family and that is what would help.
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Aug 31, 2021
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The task given to Masonry and its antecedents (Mithraism, Isaic Mysteries, Templars...) still remains: training humans to become aware of and functional in their spiritual tasks. New formats and institutions will be developed for this new cycle

You can message here:
I want to make this world a better place

So learn to function in your heart - above the mental plane. The heart is where the Light from on High is anchored. That Light generates life force and contains Divine Intent.

All I want in life is a loving family that lives in peace

Not all are called to such pleasant tasks.

Some are used as the cutting edge of change. Cutting edges wear out human personalities pretty fast. It is necessary for such agents of change to live in the higher worlds while working in the human.


Jun 7, 2023
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The task given to Masonry and its antecedents (Mithraism, Isaic Mysteries, Templars...) still remains: training humans to become aware of and functional in their spiritual tasks. New formats and institutions will be developed for this new cycle

You can message here:

So learn to function in your heart - above the mental plane. The heart is where the Light from on High is anchored. That Light generates life force and contains Divine Intent.

Not all are called to such pleasant tasks.

Some are used as the cutting edge of change. Cutting edges wear out human personalities pretty fast. It is necessary for such agents of change to live in the higher worlds while working in the human.
That is interesting, I have only heard of the Templars but dont know much about them or none of the others. I will look into them. Thank you for that info.

That is such a great idea, let people follow their own intuition and let them by guided by their passions. It's a shame, because the past education and working class system has only taught people how to become servant workers to the greed of trickledown economics. There is a comedian called George Carlin who did a live show and said how the previous system only educated people enough to run the system, but with a positive collective as the Freemasons change can come and we are capable of contribution to the co creators because is seems like we are just small universe on a planet co creating like the cosmos it's self, but that's just how I see it.

I will be honest with you and say that when you first told me to meditate on light I was scared that you may be trying to turn me evil by putting bad energy into me, this is only because I was always taught that Lucifer was the devil, but I think I know who the devil is now and i'm in fear.
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That is interesting, I have only heard of the Templars but dont know much about them or none of the others. I will look into them. Thank you for that info.

That is such a great idea, let people follow their own intuition and let them by guided by their passions. It's a shame, because the past education and working class system has only taught people how to become servant workers to the greed of trickledown economics. There is a comedian called George Carlin who did a live show and said how the previous system only educated people enough to run the system, but with a positive collective as the Freemasons change can come and we are capable of contribution to the co creators because is seems like we are just small universe on a planet co creating like the cosmos it's self, but that's just how I see it.

I will be honest with you and say that when you first told me to meditate on light I was scared that you may be trying to turn me evil by putting bad energy into me, this is only because I was always taught that Lucifer was the devil, but I think I know who the devil is now and i'm in fear.
I am currently living somewhere which I am very grateful to be able to stay at because it's very kind of him, but I don't know weather he is trying to hurt me because sometimes I get the impression that he does not like me, this could be my own ignorance. He keeps saying things like he is the devil and things of similar nature. I have nothing against him and just hope it's the same both ways.
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That is interesting, I have only heard of the Templars but dont know much about them or none of the others. I will look into them. Thank you for that info.

That is such a great idea, let people follow their own intuition and let them by guided by their passions. It's a shame, because the past education and working class system has only taught people how to become servant workers to the greed of trickledown economics. There is a comedian called George Carlin who did a live show and said how the previous system only educated people enough to run the system, but with a positive collective as the Freemasons change can come and we are capable of contribution to the co creators because is seems like we are just small universe on a planet co creating like the cosmos it's self, but that's just how I see it.

I will be honest with you and say that when you first told me to meditate on light I was scared that you may be trying to turn me evil by putting bad energy into me, this is only because I was always taught that Lucifer was the devil, but I think I know who the devil is now and i'm in fear.
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I am currently living somewhere which I am very grateful to be able to stay at because it's very kind of him, but I don't know weather he is trying to hurt me because sometimes I get the impression that he does not like me, this could be my own ignorance. He keeps saying things like he is the devil and things of similar nature. I have nothing against him and just hope it's the same both ways.
I just don't know what is real now because I was conditioned to believe that the Masons were bad, so I don't know if the devil is real or not. I just feel afraid of evil.
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That is interesting, I have only heard of the Templars but dont know much about them or none of the others. I will look into them. Thank you for that info.

That is such a great idea, let people follow their own intuition and let them by guided by their passions. It's a shame, because the past education and working class system has only taught people how to become servant workers to the greed of trickledown economics. There is a comedian called George Carlin who did a live show and said how the previous system only educated people enough to run the system, but with a positive collective as the Freemasons change can come and we are capable of contribution to the co creators because is seems like we are just small universe on a planet co creating like the cosmos it's self, but that's just how I see it.

I will be honest with you and say that when you first told me to meditate on light I was scared that you may be trying to turn me evil by putting bad energy into me, this is only because I was always taught that Lucifer was the devil, but I think I know who the devil is now and i'm in fear.
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I am currently living somewhere which I am very grateful to be able to stay at because it's very kind of him, but I don't know weather he is trying to hurt me because sometimes I get the impression that he does not like me, this could be my own ignorance. He keeps saying things like he is the devil and things of similar nature. I have nothing against him and just hope it's the same both ways.
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I just don't know what is real now because I was conditioned to believe that the Masons were bad, so I don't know if the devil is real or not. I just feel afraid of evil.
Can I defeat a demon If I focus on light in my heart as you said? From here on I will be meditating as much as possible on light in my heart. I do think that love is the key to beat evil.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Read five psalms a day, starting at today's date would be psalms 76-80 (my math could be off).
6-1-2023 Ps 1-5
6-2-2023 Ps 6-10
6-29-2023 Ps 140-145
6-30-2023 Ps 146-150

Or take a 22 day meditation task focused on one letter a day from Psalms 119.

By doing either, you will come closer to God who will dispel the demons.

Meditate on the psalms you read.


Jun 7, 2023
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Read five psalms a day, starting at today's date would be psalms 76-80 (my math could be off).
6-1-2023 Ps 1-5
6-2-2023 Ps 6-10
6-29-2023 Ps 140-145
6-30-2023 Ps 146-150

Or take a 22 day meditation task focused on one letter a day from Psalms 119.

By doing either, you will come closer to God who will dispel the demons.

Meditate on the psalms you read.


Jun 7, 2023
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Roma, I just want to do want to do what is right for for the good.

I recently began meditating a lot more when you spoke to me before. I had a great insight and saw how all of my suffering throughout my life has shown me how to help heal others who suffer. I just want to try and contribute to healing the world because I can relate to people in the struggle of what we know as in this life.

I wish that I could have discovered Masonry a long time ago, because from my base level understanding, it is a system that will benefit all nations.
Sep 9, 2021
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Jun 8, 2021
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Greetings all,

Ever since I was born I have suffered a life of trauma after trauma.

I know for a fact that a curse was placed on me at a very young age.

My mother was a witch, and my fathers side had witches blood from my grandmothers ancestors. I was separated from my mother and put in foster care at a very young age. My entire life has been full of disasters and suffering.

The first demon entity visited me when I was just a child of 7 years. He who wears the fedora hat and long coat. He was just watching me, filling my heart with fear. Shortly after this I nearly drowned to death in a swimming pool and was saved by life guards. Years later I also nearly drowned in the Sea because a voice in my head told me to go in the water when there was a storm.

There are many, many, more supernatural occurrences that I have experienced since a child, including things like hits being put on me, things being thrown at me while I sleep in bed. I don't want to share everything here publicly, but if anyone thinks they that they can help me, I am willing to explain to them many of the supernatural experiences that I have had.

Thank you for reading this and a wonderful blessed day to all.

First, I'm sorry for what happened, or maybe still happening for you.

I have few suggestions, you may like to try.

Are you familiar with meditation?

In case if your not, I'm gonna guide you to some of the steps.

First, what you do is sit on a chair or floor, (if you are gonna sit on a chair) sit with your hands either with palms facing up or flat on your lap. Then, have your back straight. Then, close your eyes. (If you are gonna sit on a floor). Sit on a lotus position (meaning crossed legs) and again close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths. Inhale, hold and exhale for a few times. For example: I take deep breathes at least 6 times. You can choose the numbers you like.

Next, breathe normally now, let your mind wonder, and don't force your thoughts away. Remember to take deep breath, whenever your thoughts does not seem to stop or ease up.

Once, your mind is quiet, you are going to visualize a Pure giant Orb of Light. If you cannot visualize the Orb, do affirmations

Affirmations are positive words, that you say out loud or as a whisper. For example: My Beautiful Divine Light, I invite you to pour your radiance touch on me. Lift these curses, as far away from me as possible. You should feel Peace.

Last, you are going to slowly bring yourself out of meditation, and then you are going to pray, but stand in power. In whatever names you call God, just call to Him/Her. And, just talk to this Lovely Source of Power. Build a relationship with Him, and Your Soul. Express yourself however you want.

To start: you may say something like this.....

My Beautiful, and amazing God, or My Wonderful Universe. I invite you to come forth. And, from there you can express yourself however you want. Now, my advise, is for you to come with your own words, and what is deep in your Heart. It's powerful, if you can come out with your own way of praying.

I hope that all goes well for you after this. If, nothing happens, don't stop, keep on practicing and try again. Something will happen.

Many blessings to you!
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