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Powerful Curse Since Early Childhood

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Aug 31, 2021
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I wish that I could have discovered Masonry a long time ago, because from my base level understanding, it is a system that will benefit all nations.

Do not get attached to the format/institutions/history of Freemasonry. The format has largely failed in its fundamental task of training humans to operate the temple that extends from E to W and N to S and from the center of the Earth to the Heavens.

That task still remains and part of it is being taken up, particularly by humans born after 1995. They have a much clearer sense of responsibility for managing planetary ecosystems.

And NASA (Never A Straight Answer) has published the Artemis Accords now signed by more than 16 nations, laying out the ethical standards for managing the solar system, with the incentive of shared technology.

Russia and China were late signatories - and apparently subject to particular conditions to monitor their good faith.

The human race is stepping up - while those that desire power fight against the changes

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Jun 8, 2021
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Thank you for that information! I was unaware that the degree surpassed 33. From my personal understanding, I thought that the 33 degree freemasonry limit was linked to the parallel 33 - I'll provide a link for you here about parallel 33 and how it and the number 33 is linked to nuclear explosions and other anomalies -
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I apologize if I gave the wrong impression, but please understand that I walk in the path of love and equality for humanity. I can relate to all who suffer in life and I wish to do all that I can to bring them happiness. People who are around me laugh at me because I tell them that I want to save humanity from suffering and bring harmony - I clearly know this cannot be done alone, but with a hive mind - we surly can raise the frequency of the collective. There was an interesting study done in Merseyside UK back in 1978 the results were known as the "Maharishi Effect". When the group of 7000 meditated throughout 3 weeks the results were great! Their collective calm balanced peaceful minds dropped crime rates and other positive outcomes such as casualties. They want to see if we can change the cycle which is a story which can be rewritten by us the one mind - conscious collective. Although I oppose the evil and those who bring suffering to this world, through pondering and meditation on and off but continually for 10 years, I have come to understand that the only way to rid the evil of this world is to raise the frequency and collective consciousness of humanity, because the Tao (the source of all creation) will keep giving birth to evil until balance is brought to earth which in turn would bring true harmony - it's like the war on drugs, it's a war that can never be won. Please ponder this because at one point in life I gained the mindset of a revolutionary who wanted to stand and fight for the freedom of suffering of humanity. I awoke to political corruption years before my spiritual awakening in the summer of 2013 - felt the suffering of families being blowing to pieces, pictures of homes blown to pieces by US and western back bombs continually since 1945 after they nuked Japan vaporising whole families - in Hiroshima there are imprints on solid stone walls and the ground of the shadows of those who suffered to the hand of empire and imperialism - I was willing to stand and fight at the front line if a revolution ever begun - for the innocents in over 45 countries since the end of WW2. I'm going on a bit so I'll get back to the center point - After spiritually awakening and pondering how to contribute to helping humanity through a hive mind that thinks alike it came to me after years of pondering research and person experiences from meditative states - I realised, when all these masters, wise men and sages were talking about the center point, balance, non duality and and flowing like a great river which always returns to the original source the sea. I understood that the only way to rid the world of this sinister evil is to transmute the collective consciousness and frequency of humanity. Just curios as to see what your opinion is on this chapter from the Tao Te Ching - this particular chapter took me years and years of pondering to fully comprehend - I Just could not understand how I can welcome the people who hurt me as a child and thought life, but after years of pondering that spark light the bulb in my consciousness and I understood it. Read the first paragraph and it will stir up confusion and maybe even anger, read the second and it explains further, read the finishing line and it's message is complete. You also have to read the Tao Te Ching for all the pieces to be put together and bring understand of the source. Here is the chapter and I feel it's message is a representation of what I was trying to explain about the balance between the dualities - the divine source and how this balance will shift the collective consciousness of humanity therefore raising the overall frequency. Please provide me if you would like with your honest opinion because there is nothing I enjoy than learning.

The way of the source is known as the middle path in Buddhism and the Tao or center in Taoism. It's also referred to in other spiritual wisdom and philosophies. Please don't think I'm trying to push religion on you because I am not religious as I am fully aware of the elite who took the true knowledge of spirituality and twisted it up in order to fulfil their control and world dominance through imperialism and a death economy as Jhon Perkins calls it. It's all about realising that we are all truly ONE - a spark of the divine source experiencing it's self subjectively throughout the whole of nature if various forms of matter which we know thorough the study of subatomic particles that the third dimension is a illusion of the 5 senses. By the way through pondering - my personal opinion of what the true meaning of the 5 points of the pentagram actually stand for the 5 senses and the space at the centre of the pentagram is the Tao - breathing out the 5 points "senses" from the center. This harmony and balance on earth can only be achieved the oneness with the center. Imagine a state of peace on earth where everything just flowed like a river into the great Sea -

"The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home — before your birth, and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world, our breath burns in the shadow of the deep. The sea gives, and the sea takes. Water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light.".

The Tao doesn't take sides;
it gives birth to both good and evil.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she welcomes both saints and sinners.

The Tao is like a bellows:
it is empty yet infinitely capable.
The more you use it, the more it produces;
the more you talk of it, the less you understand.

Hold on to the center." - Lao Tzu

It's difficult to remain balanced which means just totally present and in a state of pure awareness observing the dualities of creation (because we are conditioned since birth) and showing others the way to awaken them to the center thus bringing harmony upon earth - I found this interesting too, the hearth and the hearts energy field chakra is the center of the 7 chakras, and science has proven through measurement that the hearts energy field - the center has a much greater energy field than the brain, so this is also something to ponder - which could mean that love is actually the nature of all creation - pure limitless love could be the true message of what Lao Tzu is trying to explain that what the nature of the source is, but it does confuse me because love is a duality of hate and Lao Tzu keep reiterating that the center of dualities is the way and mother of creation, but he also reiterates that our limited minds within the experience of the 5 senses is unfathomable to the nature of the experience of the mind within the illusion of the matrix of matter. I think Lao Tzu may be trying to tell us that love is the true answer but it only giving droplets of water thought the book which in tern when pondered which has taken me a decade and I still ponder because it feeds the imagination - maybe love is the full glass - this is for you to ponder and come to your own conclusion.

To sum this up I'm basically saying that fellow human - I stand and fight for you, with you for humanity - for the eradication of suffering on earth and to bring upon a GOLDEN AGE of humanity. It's just a different type of fight that requires a different type of revolution and not lives. I'm still a revolutionary in my heart of hearts.

Thanks for reading all!

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How I wish humanity all over the globe can sit and meditate as a collective that'll be great!
Sep 9, 2021
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First, I'm sorry for what happened, or maybe still happening for you.

I have few suggestions, you may like to try.

Are you familiar with meditation?

In case if your not, I'm gonna guide you to some of the steps.

First, what you do is sit on a chair or floor, (if you are gonna sit on a chair) sit with your hands either with palms facing up or flat on your lap. Then, have your back straight. Then, close your eyes. (If you are gonna sit on a floor). Sit on a lotus position (meaning crossed legs) and again close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths. Inhale, hold and exhale for a few times. For example: I take deep breathes at least 6 times. You can choose the numbers you like.

Next, breathe normally now, let your mind wonder, and don't force your thoughts away. Remember to take deep breath, whenever your thoughts does not seem to stop or ease up.

Once, your mind is quiet, you are going to visualize a Pure giant Orb of Light. If you cannot visualize the Orb, do affirmations

Affirmations are positive words, that you say out loud or as a whisper. For example: My Beautiful Divine Light, I invite you to pour your radiance touch on me. Lift these curses, as far away from me as possible. You should feel Peace.

Last, you are going to slowly bring yourself out of meditation, and then you are going to pray, but stand in power. In whatever names you call God, just call to Him/Her. And, just talk to this Lovely Source of Power. Build a relationship with Him, and Your Soul. Express yourself however you want.

To start: you may say something like this.....

My Beautiful, and amazing God, or My Wonderful Universe. I invite you to come forth. And, from there you can express yourself however you want. Now, my advise, is for you to come with your own words, and what is deep in your Heart. It's powerful, if you can come out with your own way of praying.

I hope that all goes well for you after this. If, nothing happens, don't stop, keep on practicing and try again. Something will happen.

Many blessings to you!
A far better approach.


Jun 7, 2023
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Do not get attached to the format/institutions/history of Freemasonry. The format has largely failed in its fundamental task of training humans to operate the temple that extends from E to W and N to S and from the center of the Earth to the Heavens.

That task still remains and part of it is being taken up, particularly by humans born after 1995. They have a much clearer sense of responsibility for managing planetary ecosystems.

And NASA (Never A Straight Answer) has published the Artemis Accords now signed by more than 16 nations, laying out the ethical standards for managing the solar system, with the incentive of shared technology.

Russia and China were late signatories - and apparently subject to particular conditions to monitor their good faith.

The human race is stepping up - while those that desire power fight against the changes

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It's my own fault as I only accepted what was a limited understanding. WOW, that's very interesting. Free energy maybe? You are masters of your craft and have great knowledge for humanity.

A task that can be accomplished, with community of people and shared interests.

That's very positive, managing the solar system and managing the earth also.

So Russia and China are willing to work together with the west and other countries - that is great news! I don't know why Russia is still attacking Ukraine then, why are we at war with each other still if we know we can make this world better through community, morals and shared happiness.

Yes, the human race is beginning to step up and it's been long awaited, but there is still war and suffering. I really wish to go out and help the world but suffer with issues including anxiety.

Thank you for the link. I'll take a look now.

I am happy that better days are ahead for humanity.


Aug 31, 2021
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I don't know why Russia is still attacking Ukraine

Eastern Ukraine was part of Russia until the early 1950s with most of the population natively speaking Russian.

In this century Kyiv has oppressed/killed Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine and when Russia protested, the Minsk Agreement was entered into with the EU to allow the eastern provinces to vote on whether to stay in Ukraine.

That vote was not permitted and the oppression of the Russian speaking population increased. Russia intervened to save its people in Ukraine.

There are two problems, the Ukrainian Nazis were extremely brutal during WW2 and allowed to remain in place because they were anti-Russia. This was partly because Russia took most of the food from Ukraine in the 1930s to cover up the disaster of the Russian farm communes. Millions of Ukrainians starved to death.

Kyiv is the traditional capital of Russia so that Putin who is a nationalist and not a communist is reluctant to nuke it. Hence the war continues.

The US neocons are using Ukraine to wear down Russia for their own purposes.


Jun 7, 2023
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Eastern Ukraine was part of Russia until the early 1950s with most of the population natively speaking Russian.

In this century Kyiv has oppressed/killed Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine and when Russia protested, the Minsk Agreement was entered into with the EU to allow the eastern provinces to vote on whether to stay in Ukraine.

That vote was not permitted and the oppression of the Russian speaking population increased. Russia intervened to save its people in Ukraine.

There are two problems, the Ukrainian Nazis were extremely brutal during WW2 and allowed to remain in place because they were anti-Russia. This was partly because Russia took most of the food from Ukraine in the 1930s to cover up the disaster of the Russian farm communes. Millions of Ukrainians starved to death.

Kyiv is the traditional capital of Russia so that Putin who is a nationalist and not a communist is reluctant to nuke it. Hence the war continues.

The US neocons are using Ukraine to wear down Russia for their own purposes.
Alert! Sigal.
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